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symbols & classes


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working on different workstation (furniture) layout options so set up my drawing with 3 different classes for the 3 different options. I created 3 different viewports from the floor plan, and set the class visibility for each so it would show a different layout each. Thought I got it right until I assigned the symbol I had created for the workstations a class so I'd be able to "switch it off" on the other 2 options, but then I could not use the symbol again in my other viewports, since now it had a class that made it invisible in the other viewports , and so would only work for the one option. Ended up having to duplicate and rename the symbol in order to be abble to assign it to different classes.

I'm sure there's a better way, but haven't got there yet... any takers?

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Unless the workstations have different classes it won't work. A symbol can only be one class, although the components in it can have different classes.

Suggest you use one layer for the building shell or 'base'. Then use three different layers for each of the furniture layers.

If you keep the base layer visible and have the three 'fitout' layers invisible you can switch quickly through the layout options by just changing to the appropriate 'fitout' layer.

If you wish you can then also use the Viewports, and by selecting which layers are visible determine which layout is shown.

PS - it can be done with classes but each symbol would have to have three instances each with its own class (including the component clases in it). Too messy and three times as many symbols to change if you have to.

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