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Referenced accessories


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Hello dear forum

To save a little work, I have referenced the different text layouts, which are stored as symbols in our main document, in my stair plan. This always works well for one day, and the next day my text structures were changed into a group and are no longer stored or referenced as symbols in the Accessories Manager. Can someone explain to me what I am doing wrong? In this plan, I also use a referenced viewport from the same document, but it works normally.


Thanks for advance notice




Edited by Micha095
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Are you using the same file each day? I have a habit of duplicating a new file for each work day. If you are doing something like that and using relative references it could be something like that.

The next time this happens, go to the Reference pane of the Navigation palette or the Organization dialog box and look at what file VW thinks it is looking for. Is it the same as the file you are expecting it to be looking for?


Could it be looking for a file on a disk that is not always mounted? 


Grasping at straws to try and help.

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Many thanks for your answer
Yes I have always used the same file. I noticed that this problem only occurs with this document, so I copied everything into a new file where everything works fine. The reference in the navigation palette should be correct. I saved my document locally and my reference file on the server. Maybe I don't have a clean server connection which interrupts the reference every time?

Thanks again and have a nice day


Edited by Micha095
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