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NURBS Loft Problem

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It is hard to not be impressed with the images you post. In the last image above the rendering seems more than I've been able to accomplish with Renderworks. Can you share what you are using for rendering in the example above?

Thanks for sharing the work and advice.

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The 'grey-out' happens when the Path is a NURBS Curve ( see OIP ) but NOT a Bezier Spline Curve ! Which is also called a NURBS Curve ... just to make things confusing. Therefore, you will need to use the 3D NURBS Curve Tool not the Create NURBS command. I just make the 2d curve then map the NURBS/Bezier to it.

One other thing:

If the Egg Profile = small on top large on bot, then the Profile needs to be rotated 90? in order to make the egg twist with the small part on the inside of the Path. Also, I try to always use the minimum Path .. in this case 1/2 of the egg, and then reflect , etc.


The secret sauce uses at least 3 lights arrayed at least 45? and inclined 35.26? by default with Z = X or Y . Then set the textures to render as 'Phong'.

VW > Preference> Display > Black background.

Finally, I avoid working at large scales . All these example are created using < 100 centimeters which make rendering fast and the files small.

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The secret sauce uses at least 3 lights arrayed at least 45? and inclined 35.26? by default with Z = X or Y . Then set the textures to render as 'Phong'.

VW > Preference> Display > Black background.

Thanks EJ,

VectorWork's Help file says "Phong" is a Reflectivity shader, but doesn't describe the word past its use. Sounds like it is time to do some trial and error work.

Thanks again,

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After review of the issues with the NURBS Path. I discovered that under certain circumstances a Path could be created normally by converting a 2D polyline into a NURBS Curve ( cut the egg shaped polygon in half >convert to lines >compose >convert to NURBS ) but sometimes not depending on various weird factors .

But in order to scale the Profile along the Path a NURBS bezier spline curve is required to provide the additional radial vertices needed for the scaling function.

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