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Over the past two months I have been trying REALLY hard to get Vision (now 2018) setup for my students to use.  I have up to date Vision and VW Spotlight, An Ion console running the latest software, a huge screen monitor/tv, and a powerful windows PC to run it all on.  Currently my challenge is getting internet network into my previz suite that was not designed to have internet at all (students downloading random crap).  




  1. How do folks setup there Windows machines to run a internet connection along with a hardwire connection to their console?
  2. The tutorials on the Vision site are abysmal.  Has anyone successfully connected an ION to a windows pc with Vision?  If you wouldn't mind sharing your knowledge, I would be forever grateful.  When I get up and running, I am going to create one to upload.
  3. Vectorworks needs to spend some time creating cool materials for Vision as they do for Spotlight or this product is going to wither on the vine.  That is not acceptable as I have invested a TON of money in making this work.


Any help would be very much appreciated!


Pat Immel


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Guest Beckstorm



  So for number 1, I would use sACN.  This uses IPV6 so you usually don't have to set a static IP address on your computer. This makes it easy to just switch your ethernet cable.   For issues 2, I would reach out to tech support @Edward Josephmight be able to help, we have set up the ION on windows computers before.  For number 3, we are always looking for items to add and welcome input to help us prioritize development.  Just let us know in the wishlist section on the forums.



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So for the network question...I really don't need internet other than just to get VW activated.  I followed the DMX connectivity article, but now when I plug in my internet network cable I don't get anything as the computer is setup for the lighting network.  Is there anyway to activate VW without the internet?!


Hopefully this makes sense.



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