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Event Constants


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If you search the Verctorscript List Archives for May 28, 2004, vsoEventsConstants.px is posted there by Charles Chandler.

This file can be used as an Include file in your script, but if you open it in a text editor there are also descriptions of the event constants.

Hope that helps.

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If you search the Verctorscript List Archives for May 28, 2004, vsoEventsConstants.px is posted there by Charles Chandler.

This file can be used as an Include file in your script, but if you open it in a text editor there are also descriptions of the event constants.

Hope that helps.

Is that in this forum- The search only goes back 6 years?.

I tried to google your terms also with no luck

If anyone still has this can they post it here. or a link to the page mentioned?.

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Actually I'm not. I have signed up and have general access to the site.

BUT when i try to search the Archive I get the following message

Sorry, you are not authorized to browse the archives of the VECTORSCRIPT-L list from the address you entered in the login screen.

Note that your browser automatically authenticates your requests using a "cookie" for the e-mail address Justin@assembly.co.nz. A "cookie" is a short piece of information stored on your computer's hard drive through your web browser, for instance to allow a web site to remember your e-mail address and password for future visits. If you are sharing your computer with other people, this cookie could have been set by someone else. Either way, if you want to use another e-mail address to authenticate this request, you can reset the cookie and try again with a different e-mail address.

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I tried to post it, but UBB will not accept the file extension .px.

Also, I am not sure of the distribution rights for this file.

When you go to the VectorScript Archives can't you just scroll down to May 2004 and click on that month? You shouldn't have to do a search.

If you are really in to scripting, you should figure out how to use the Vectorscript List anyway, it is what the advanced users seem to use more than this community board, and there are years worth of great discussion threads in the archives

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I've gone back to Vectorscript List and trying to figure out how to use it

I am scrolling to the May 2004 folder when I click on it I get

"Sorry, you are not authorized to browse the archives of the VECTORSCRIPT-L list from the address you entered in the login screen."

I'm always looking for sources of VS info, so keen as to figure out the List Archive. The user manual is throwing up a 404 error.


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This is a complete list from the SDK but only a few apply to Vectorscript. Of memory, I can recall events 5, 9, 35, 41, 44, 45 to be working in VS.

As for double clicking a plug-in, the default behavior is to call the edit mode which for most it does not exist and you get an error that the plug-in cannot be edited.

//	Extended Events. These events can target any object type - not just parametric.
const ObjectEventID kObjOnInitXProperties	= 5;	// The Plug-in Object may add extended properties.	
const ObjectEventID kObjUnsupported6		= 6;	// unsupported 
const ObjectEventID kObjOnSpecialEditID		= 7;	// The Plug-in Object called with kParametricOnMove when kHasMoveDependancy extended property set 
const ObjectEventID kObjUnsupported8		= 8;	// unsupported

const ObjectEventID kObjOnReshape 		= 9;	// kObjOnDM_## events will be sent inside kObjOnReshape for VW 11.  

const ObjectEventID kObjOnDM_Select 		= 10;
const ObjectEventID kObjOnDM_Cancel 		= 11;	
const ObjectEventID kObjOnDM_MouseDown 		= 12;	
const ObjectEventID kObjOnDM_Draw 		= 13;	
const ObjectEventID kObjOnDM_Complete 		= 14;	
const ObjectEventID kObjOnDM_GetCursor 		= 15;	
const ObjectEventID kObjOnDM_ModeEvent 		= 16;	
const ObjectEventID kObjOnDM_GetStatus 		= 17;	
const ObjectEventID kObjOnDM_CustomBarEvent	= 18;
const ObjectEventID kObjOnDM_BeginPauseEvent	= 19;
const ObjectEventID kObjOnDM_EndPauseEvent	= 20;
const ObjectEventID kObjOnDM_MouseMove 		= 21;

const ObjectEventID kObjOnAttributeSelect 	= 26;	
const ObjectEventID kObjOnAttributeCancel 	= 27;	
const ObjectEventID kObjOnAttributeMouseDown 	= 28;	
const ObjectEventID kObjOnAttributeDraw 	= 29;	
const ObjectEventID kObjOnAttributeMouseMove 	= 29;	// Meaning has changed for Vw 2011. See T00617
const ObjectEventID kObjOnAttributeComplete 	= 30;	
const ObjectEventID kObjOnAttributeGetCursor 	= 31;	
const ObjectEventID kObjOnAttributeMove2D 	= 32;	
const ObjectEventID kObjOnAttributeGetStatus 	= 33;	
const ObjectEventID kObjOnAttributeModeEvent 	= 34;

const ObjectEventID kObjOnObjectUIButtonHit	= 35;	// The user has pressed a button in the Properties UI of an object

const ObjectEventID kObjOnCursor_MouseDown 	= 36;	
const ObjectEventID kObjOnCursor_Complete 	= 37;	
const ObjectEventID kObjOnCursor_MouseMove 	= 38;	
const ObjectEventID kObjOnCursor_Draw 		= 39;	
const ObjectEventID kObjOnCursor_Cancel 	= 40;	

const ObjectEventID kObjOnWidgetPrep 		= 41;	
const ObjectEventID kObjOnCommand 		= 42;	

const ObjectEventID kObjOnGetToolName		= 43;
const ObjectEventID kObjOnAddState 		= 44;

const ObjectEventID kObjOnContextMenuInit	= 45;
const ObjectEventID kObjOnContextMenuEvent	= 46;

const ObjectEventID kObjOnWidgetValueUpdate	= 47;
const ObjectEventID kObjOnEyedropperPrepareCopy	= 48;	// Vlado: this should be renamed
const ObjectEventID kObjOnGetSpecificGeometry	= 49;

const ObjectEventID kObjOnCursor_CustomBarEvent = 50;
const ObjectEventID kObjOnEyedropperAfterCopy	= 51;	// Vlado: this should be renamed

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