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holes in walls

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Well I seem to have created a 3 d window but when I insert it into a wall it doesn't cut a hole. I know I am missing something here. Does the symbol have to have a special je ne c'est quoi? A special hole generator to make a hole in the wall? I tried inserting a plugin hole (what a great concept, makes me wonder whether VW creators were warner brothers animators who have branched out to make architects lives miserable).

Anyway, I inserted the plugin hole and then copiedd the hole from the wall and into my 3d window symbol on a hunch, and it worked, once. but now I have copied it around a few places and it is no longer working, though it is still leaving the outline of the window on the outside of the wall.

I'm lost folks, totally lost.

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You have to make sure you get the Object screen hint when you click to place the wall and then doubleclick to insert the wall. Also, make sure the Enable Wall Insertion mode is pressed in under the 2d selection tool to ensure the obejcts are inserting correctly.

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"Anyway, I inserted the plugin hole and then copiedd the hole from the wall and into my 3d window symbol on a hunch, and it worked, once. but now I have copied it around a few places and it is no longer working, though it is still leaving the outline of the window on the outside of the wall."

This is technicall not "copying" but might explain what you have observed. When you duplicate a symbol or PIO that has already been inserted into a wall, you have duplicated BOTH wall and symbol. So when you drag the newly duplicated symbol to its location you are leaving a second wall behind. delete this wall and you should see the original in-the-wall object.

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make sure the symbol is set to "full break" in the symbol insertion options. (I suppose it IS a symbol). When inserting it into the wall, the object info-box must say: "Symbol in wall" For some strange reason, sometimes they do, sometimes they don't insert in the wall. After going completly crazy about it, you will start to get a certain handiness in it.

(By the way, it is: "je ne SAIS quoi"

I hope this helps.


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