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Direct keyboard dimension entry or modification

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Sorry, I'm sure this topic must have been discussed but I'm not having much luck with the search function. When I put in multiple keywords to narrow the search, it returns topics that have any one of them instead of all of them. Tried ampersands and the like but don't find the normal option in advanced search to affect the boolean character of the query.

so that ain't the question, that's the apology.

I'm having trouble with various elements closely spaced that can provide snap-to targets with getting my dimensions to come out precisely using the mouse. Now I can draw an approximate dimension and then zoom in on either end and reset it. But that's fairly tedious. And, more often than not, I know the numerical target but I don't find any way I can just enter the end point in the object info panel. nor can I seem to create a dimension that way by double clicking on the tool the way you can create a wall.

Silly me, I would think this would be most facilitated for something like dimensions. But maybe it is obvious and I'm just missing it.



PS - I'm living in the past, i.e., VW 9.5.3 on an older Mac.

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It's been a while since I've touched version 9.x.x, but I think you can use the Data Display Bar ("DDB"-at the top of the drawing window) to enter precise numbers during the drawing of any object. Start a line (or dimension) then hit the tab key and look at the DDB and see which field is highlighted. I think it used to tab through "x" then"y" then "length".... In any case, once you are in the relevant field simply enter the desired number and hit the return (or enter) key. The object should now be locked at that number, in that direction... You can do this multiple times for the same object (ie: once for "x" and then again for "y"). Hope that helps (and BTW, yes you are a relic!)

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It's been a while since I've touched version 9.x.x, but I think you can use the Data Display Bar ("DDB"-at the top of the drawing window) to enter precise numbers during the drawing of any object. Start a line (or dimension) then hit the tab key and look at the DDB and see which field is highlighted. I think it used to tab through "x" then"y" then "length".... In any case, once you are in the relevant field simply enter the desired number and hit the return (or enter) key. The object should now be locked at that number, in that direction... You can do this multiple times for the same object (ie: once for "x" and then again for "y"). Hope that helps (and BTW, yes you are a relic!)

I just don't do enough work to justify keeping up with the Cipeses. But I greatly appreciate the help. Many features are still similar. Ah, the old DDB. So I start a dimension hit tab (the fields available while drawing are different than when you select an previously created dimension).

I have been able to tab to the relevant field for affecting the length of the dimension. The first click is already laid down and any changes I make to X and Y loc affects the second click, you can't go back and change the first if you didn't get it right where you want it.

There is no "L" in the DDB while drawing. only a delta for both dimensions, which obviously determines length. One troublesome problem is that even when drawing a constrained dimension it follows the last location of the mouse to the DDB, so if you didn't pull a perfectly straight line you might have a delta in a dimension that you want no change.

Insofar as I can tell you can push the shift key down while using the DDB and it will return the offending delta to 0 if you have established an overriding direction for the line, if you're out near some perfect angle, e.g. 45 it will go that angle. Obviously if it is just a hand jitter while starting with the mouse you're not far enough off for that to be a problem.

I have had no luck whatsoever using the DDB to edit a previously created dimension - for what that's worth.

I just don't get why they don't have a create dimension dialogue box just like a create wall dialogue box.

Well, maybe they do nowadays but that's the news from us relics. This is a manageable workaround, because even if I don't get the dimension in precisely the right fraction of an inch, I can still make sure it comes out to the exact right length. And you can move the entire dimension using the Move dialogue box.


And thanks Ray for the heads up on the boolean operator. Forgot about the ole plus sign. Haven't run into that as often.


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as far as i remember hit the tab enter a number and than hit the "enter" key but the one far right at the numberpad and than enter the y-value.

that works for dimension too, first clic on a point than the "far right enter key" than the numbers and than to finish the real enter key

this was very convenient and fast and i still think it was more ergonomic than the way it works now with tab( left hand) than number (right hand) than tab again if neccessary and using the left hand again.....

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