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Symbol Data


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How can I attach a record to a symbol so that every time I insert it the information is attached and included on the schedule. Right no I have to place the symbol and then go in and include all the information in the data pane. This can get very tedious when you have dozens of lighting fixtures on one drawing.



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Select the symbol in the resource browser and right click (Ctrl-click) it. From the contextual menu that pops up choose attach. Select the record you want to attach from the dialog box.

Make sure you have the defaults for the Record format set the way you want them before you do the attach, or you will have to use the Tools:Record:Change One Field (or Change All Fields) command to edit the defaults.

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Thanks for the response.

Okay, I can now have default data attached to each instance with a record. But now i can only generate a schedule with just the one record.

I would like to create a schedule for all of the lighting fixtures in a project. i.e. can light, wall sconces, track lighting, and so on. In this particular project I have many of each.

In the past I would create a symbol with a record that had all the list items, enter in the data copy it, and then paste it in where I needed them. I would then be able to create a single schedule that reflected each item and the quantity.

Is there a better way?



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You could generate a schedule consolidating multiple records, but it would either be a nightmare to program or useless. When you tell a column what data to hold you must specify both the record and the field. Since you have multiple records, it will be very hard to get the data to line up in a single column.

You should be able to edit the symbol definitions so that each has the correct field data for the consolidated record. Then you would only need to edit the fields that are different from the symbol defaults rather than the entire record.

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