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The Amazing Exploding Polylines...that exist but don't


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Working on a very detailed drawing. Eventually it needs to be converted to DWG, and every time I try, some of the polylines go berserk and turn into HUUUUUGE arcs and lines that make it look like the drawing threw up all over itself. I know autocad doesn't take kindly to Vectorworks polylines, so I'm trying to decompose the polylines before converting the drawing to DWG so that those giant lines don't show up.

The problem is: when I decompose the polylines and the giant lines show up, vectorworks won't let me select them. I have tried clicking directly on them, holding "alt/option" and making a window that crosses them...nothing. I also tried making a window around the immediate area of the drawing to deselect the lines that are left after decomposing the polylines, which leaves "21 lines" in the object box. Even after pressing delete, and no objects showing up in the object box, the ghost lines are still there. Someone HELP!

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Those might be connecting to or indicating center vertices of nearly flat arc segments. I saw these in dwg conversions, too, butI have not tried any lately, so cannot duplicate your experience in v2008. The dwg conversion sometimes created some or many extra vertices. Some stacked.

What I used to do is select all and fit to selection to find the end points about a mile from the drawing. Then zoom with mouse scroll, and use the 2d edit shape tool to delete the offending vertex, zoom back to the object and delete a few of the extra vertices near the problem one(s). Another fix was to just trace then delete the poly say with arcs rather than cubic or bez point, or splice in a new section near the bad part.

Also, some polys imported from ACAD have areas which do not select in VW - cursor or clicks indicate selection in about half the poly, but not the other half,. Had to split by point and recompose or just trace over those.

You say you cannot select, so perhaps that was no help.

And waay cool church! Renovation or building new?


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Thanks. I figured out a makeshift method...most of the lines are coming from one class, so I'm selecting all the polylines in that class, decomposing, then selecting the resulting arcs and grouping them. inside the group, I can see where the giant lines are stemming from, and you're right, it's usually arcs. So, I'm just deleting the stem arc, and the big line goes away. WOOHOO! now I just have to find all of those little annoying arcs.

It's a restoration, and all of my posts on this message board have been about drawings related to this church...I should have made the drawings less detailed to begin with. :(

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