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"roof" doing funny things

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I have a "roof face" the roof face and the embedded object are in the same class and all the objects attributes are set to "class attributes".

In 3d view > openGL the roof appears fine with the correct texture and line weights, in plan view in a viewport the roof looks fine with the correct class overrides for fill and line types.

In the SLVP in elevation views it is like the roof has 50% opacity because I can see objects behind the roof but grey instaed of black. I have checked that there are no opacity settings that have been missed but all appears good. In fact is it even possible to make a "roof" opaque in elevation?

PS the render mode for the SLVP elevations is "unshaded polygons"

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i have had this happen to me with hatches, no opacity setting on anything in the file at all, yet it looks like its set with an opacity. It dissapears when i delete the hatch and make a new one........ then after about 10 mins it starts all over again. dont know if its connected to whats happening to you, but thought i would share. first of all it only happens in the SLVP...... but then it spread to my design layers..... cannot explain it

i reported this to tech support with a file and they havent come up with an answer

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