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Moving walls help


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I have just started using Vectorworks Architect and have a small problem. I want to move some existing walls (with all attached walls moving with them), and I can do this fine by dragging them with the mouse. But I want the greater accuracy of manually entering the amount to move a wall with the keyboard and can not figure out how to do this and can't find it in the manual.

Could someone please tell me how to enter the amount in to the offset box with the keyboard to get an exact movement? This would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

I am using a Mac.

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1) Using the DATA DISPLAY BAR (upper left): As you are moving (dragging) a wall , or any other object, hit the TAB key: once for the "X" distance; twice for "Y" and three times for "length". When the appropriate field is hightlighted, type in the desired value, then hit "Return" or "Enter".

2) Use the MOVE COMMAND: select the object(s) you wish to move. (Optional: group all the objects together- you can ungroup them after the move). Go to the menu item MODIFY>MOVE, enter the values and hit OK.

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Just be careful using Move with walls. It doesn't let you select one one and move just that section - it will remove the connection. The only way to do this is to select the wall you need to move AND the walls joined to it, then use the 2D reshape tool and marquee around the wall you need to move then use the Move tool.

This is my single biggest gripe about walls in VW. If I select a wall I should be able to use the move tool to move it whilst retaining links to other walls.

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