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Help with an irregular retaining wall

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Hey there good people,


So, long story short, I'm super new to Vectorworks. The thing is, I'm trying to learn as much as possible about terrain modeling, site modifiers, retaining walls, and so on. As such, I'm trying to recreate a project I found online, which is situated on very steep terrain. Accordingly, I used some site modifiers to create planar pads for future construction. However, I'm trying to adjust how the pads and the terrain meet, so I was planning to use retaining walls. When trying to do so, I encountered the issue that in some places the wall must be on a slope, meaning it will need to be curved in some parts, straight in others, and with different heights at the beginning and the end. So far, I haven't been able to achieve what I'm looking for, so I was wondering if somebody could share a viable process? I'm trying to make it as realistic as possible, but I know I'm still lacking a lot of knowledge, both in the architecture field and in Vectorworks. So, as I said, any help will be incredibly appreciated. I will attach a couple of screenshots so my intention might be a little clearer.

terreno 1.PNG

terreno 2.PNG

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