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Export IfcCovering in IFC 4

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When I export in the IFC 2x3 version, in the export IFC settings, there is the option to export the components separately and, with it activated, the classification of each component is correct. How can I export wall finishes to IfcCovering for IFC 4 from a multi-layer wall style automatically?

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Hi @ccarneiro,


AFAIU, you need to setup a condition in the IFC mappings for wall (just above IfcWall), like this:

=IF(OBJECTDATA('Component', 'Function', T=INDEX)='Load-Bearing', 'IfcWall', IF(OBJECTDATA('Component', 'Function', T=INDEX)='Inner Finish', 'IfcCovering', IF(OBJECTDATA('Component', 'Function', T=INDEX)='Outer Finish', 'IfcCovering', IF(OBJECTDATA('Component', 'Function', T=INDEX)='OTHER', 'IfcBuildingElementProxy', 'NoExport'))))


Next step, is to have ExportOptions pset attached with 'Export Separate Instances" set to TRUE;


This will export every layer as a separate wall/covering/proxy, depending on the component function.

Optionally, you can add IfcCovering as Primary Entity and setup its fields (this is only needed, if you need some fields to have information or to have psets attached to IfcCovering);



Mihail Rizov


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