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Problem when create marionette object from a wrap node

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Greetings everyone,


i am new in marionette, and that is my first week, and while i was trying to create a tool that will create a parametric L-Shape Wall for corners, something doesn't work when i try to make the wrapper into marionette object.

i attached the file so you can under stand what i mean.

Vectorworks 2023



what could be the reason for such result?



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i tried to recreat the same network, but without the Move and the Rotate Nodes, and it still presist


my theory is, somethin goes wrong in the path Extrude node, when the wrapped networks turns into Marionette Object, which i am not sure what is exactly

Edited by Moe_90
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i did mange to create the marionette Object, the issue seemed to be with the way the Path is created, for some reason, using compose node to make the path make a problem when creating a marionette Object, so instead, i made the path using 3D points and 3D Poly, which works fine.

the issue now, is the center point, on which the profile is using to get extruded along the path, it seems that the Path extude node uses the center of the profile to extrude it along the path.


my question now is, can i choose another point on the profile, so the path extrude node uses it to extrude the profile along the path??

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looking more into the Path Extrude node, and searching the Caves of the internet, i reached that topic from @AlanW from 2016


i ended up using his solution with editing the path extrude node, by removing the lines that responsible for the profile center, and it worked fine with me as i wanted.


thanks very much @AlanW

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