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Vectorworks Worksheets Reference flexible (VW-24 Landscape)

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we are trying to find a way with Pythenscript to Refrence VW-Worksheets a bit flexibel. 


We are having different Worksheets. 


We want to Refence one Worksheet with another Worksheet and trying to find out a way that Worksheetname for Reference can be flexible. 


At the moment with VW-Ref Function, the Worksheetname ist fixed and needs tobe changed if the Worksheetname has been updated. 


We also try to Run Python-Script in Vectorworks but not able to find out a way, how to retrive a PS result in a Worksheet. 


We are using this Function: 


=DATENBANKDURCHSCRIPT(120; 'Landschaft/Script.py')


but unfortunately can not see what ist the output. 


We tried to find a Solution to List all our current Worksheet in some kind of Meta-Worksheet. 

The Python Script should iterate these objects and we would like to process the results within the RunScript Worksheet-Function but without success so far 😐:

def list_all_tables():
    # Eine leere Liste, um die Handles aller gefundenen Tabellen zu speichern
    table_handles = []

    # Erste Objekt im Dokument
    h = vs.FActLayer()

    # Durch alle Objekte im Dokument iterieren
    while h != vs.Handle(0):
        # Überprüfen, ob das aktuelle Objekt eine Tabelle (Worksheet) ist
        if vs.GetTypeN(h) == 47:  # 47 ist der Objekttyp für Worksheets in Vectorworks
            # Das Handle der Tabelle zur Liste hinzufügen
        # Zum nächsten Objekt übergehen
        h = vs.NextObj(h)

    # Alle gefundenen Tabellenhandles an die Tabellenschnittstelle übergeben
    for id, h in enumerate(table_handles, start=1):
        vs.WSScript_AddHandleId(h, id)

# Die Funktion aufrufen, um alle Tabellen aufzulisten

We would be very grateful for any tips or information 😃

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I am a Vectorscript guy, not a Python guy,  but your script looks ok to me.


Do you get database subrows when you se the row criteria to be DatabaseByScript [DATENBANKDURCHSCRIPT]?


Try putting the script in a script palette and remove the 120 from the start of the DATENBANKDURCHSCRIPT call. That way you can see if the problem is the script or the file location.


Here are a couple of posts I have made about DatabaseByScript:




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