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  1. Hello, we are trying to find a way with Pythenscript to Refrence VW-Worksheets a bit flexibel. We are having different Worksheets. We want to Refence one Worksheet with another Worksheet and trying to find out a way that Worksheetname for Reference can be flexible. At the moment with VW-Ref Function, the Worksheetname ist fixed and needs tobe changed if the Worksheetname has been updated. We also try to Run Python-Script in Vectorworks but not able to find out a way, how to retrive a PS result in a Worksheet. We are using this Function: =DATENBANKDURCHSCRIPT(120; 'Landschaft/Script.py') but unfortunately can not see what ist the output. We tried to find a Solution to List all our current Worksheet in some kind of Meta-Worksheet. The Python Script should iterate these objects and we would like to process the results within the RunScript Worksheet-Function but without success so far 😐: def list_all_tables(): # Eine leere Liste, um die Handles aller gefundenen Tabellen zu speichern table_handles = [] # Erste Objekt im Dokument h = vs.FActLayer() # Durch alle Objekte im Dokument iterieren while h != vs.Handle(0): # Überprüfen, ob das aktuelle Objekt eine Tabelle (Worksheet) ist if vs.GetTypeN(h) == 47: # 47 ist der Objekttyp für Worksheets in Vectorworks # Das Handle der Tabelle zur Liste hinzufügen table_handles.append(h) # Zum nächsten Objekt übergehen h = vs.NextObj(h) # Alle gefundenen Tabellenhandles an die Tabellenschnittstelle übergeben for id, h in enumerate(table_handles, start=1): vs.WSScript_AddHandleId(h, id) # Die Funktion aufrufen, um alle Tabellen aufzulisten list_all_tables() We would be very grateful for any tips or information 😃
  2. Hello, I found out how to use it but can it be used for more than one poly simutaniously. Best Regards Hushaam Ali Abbasi
  3. Hello, Can someone plz help me out here? I can not figure out how to control the input Poly. I want to creat a Pathway (width 1,5m and Curbstone 0,08 m both side) along the attached Poly. Best Regards Hushaam Ali Abbasi
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