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planar boolean wont work


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I have the following problem: I created the network in the appendix, which creates an extrusion body from a polygon called "Test" , offsets the polygon 2 times inwards and substracts them. In order to create the cutting edges, i.e. to obtain individual surfaces, a line is inserted. I would now like to intersect this line with the resulting polygon, unfortunately it doesn't work. If you delete the last planar boolean you can see what the network is doing. I hope someone can help me here.

Thank you very much and best regards.


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@Marissa Farrell

Thanks alot for your reply.


If i ungroup all the objects, select the lines and the polyline it works fine for me using the command (only got the german version, it should be something like Delete cutting surfaces? In Germany its "Schnittflächen Löschen") As in the file attached.


I had no tutorial, im trying to learn marionette and got some help from the german/suiss vectorworksboard.


edit: you have to deactivate the "verschnitt Kantholz"-Node to see the lines in my first file, otherwise the lines wont appear.



Edited by Sibbi123
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