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manipulate Popup node

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ich want to manipulate the popup node 


#Modified April 2017
class Params(metaclass = Marionette.OrderedClass):
    this = Marionette.Node( 'Popup' )    
    this.SetDescription('This node demonstrates the use of a Popup OIP control. The values returned by this node will be integers based on your selection starting with 0 for the first option and increasing by 1 for consecutive options.')
    #Input Ports
    #OIP Controls
    input = Marionette.OIPControl( 'Popup', Marionette.WidgetType.Popup, 0, ['Extrusionsflaeche RR 15x25', 'Extrusionsflaeche QR 20', 'Extrusionsflaeche QR 25', 'Extrusionsflaeche QR 30'])
    input.SetDescription('an OIP control representing the options designated within the script editor')
    #Output Ports
    output = Marionette.PortOut('i')
    output.SetDescription('an integer corresponding with the option selected in the OIP. Returned values range from 0 to one less than the number of options.')

def RunNode(self):
    input = self.Params.input.value
    self.Params.output.value = input


that i get as output the string i popped up not int 0,1,2....


i think thats pretty easy but i dont know the exact syntax of the code to do it by myself.


maybe someone can help me quickly with this easy stuff :()

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i asked the chatGPT, whether he can manipulate the node for me.



Modified April 2017

class Params(metaclass = Marionette.OrderedClass):


#Name this = Marionette.Node( 'Popup' )    this.SetDescription('This node demonstrates the use of a Popup OIP control. The values returned by this node will be integers based on your selection starting with 0 for the first option and increasing by 1 for consecutive options.') #Input Ports #OIP Controls input = Marionette.OIPControl( 'Popup', Marionette.WidgetType.Popup, 0, ['Extrusionsflaeche RR 15x25', 'Extrusionsflaeche QR 20', 'Extrusionsflaeche QR 25', 'Extrusionsflaeche QR 30']) input.SetDescription('an OIP control representing the options designated within the script editor') #Output Ports output = Marionette.PortOut('i') output.SetDescription('an integer corresponding with the option selected in the OIP. Returned values range from 0 to one less than the number of options.')


def RunNode(self):
    input = self.Params.input.value

#script #outputs self.Params.output.value = input

ich moechte gerne als Output keine integerwerte, sondern den Text, der im Popupausgewaehlt wird (translated after by hand: i want as output not the int i want the string which i choosed in the popup)


er meinte



Modified April 2017

class Params(metaclass=Marionette.OrderedClass):
    # Name
    this = Marionette.Node('Popup')
        'This node demonstrates the use of a Popup OIP control. The values returned by this node will be the text of the option selected from the list.')

# Input Ports # OIP Controls input = Marionette.OIPControl('Popup', Marionette.WidgetType.Popup, 0,                               ['Extrusionsflaeche RR 15x25', 'Extrusionsflaeche QR 20', 'Extrusionsflaeche QR 25',                                'Extrusionsflaeche QR 30']) input.SetDescription('an OIP control representing the options designated within the script editor') # Output Ports output = Marionette.PortOut('s') output.SetDescription('a string corresponding with the option selected in the OIP.') # BEHAVIOR def RunNode(self):     # inputs     input = self.Params.input.value     # script     # outputs     self.Params.output.value = input


so he excactly understood what i wanted, he changed the param typ from int to string and adapted the output.set description but he did not any other modification in the code.



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CHATgpt solved it in the 5. try


#Modified April 2017
class Params(metaclass = Marionette.OrderedClass):
    this = Marionette.Node( 'Popup' )    
    this.SetDescription('This node demonstrates the use of a Popup OIP control. The values returned by this node will be integers based on your selection starting with 0 for the first option and increasing by 1 for consecutive options.')
    #Input Ports
    #OIP Controls
    input = Marionette.OIPControl( 'Popup', Marionette.WidgetType.Popup, 0, ['Extrusionsflaeche RR 15x25', 'Extrusionsflaeche QR 20', 'Extrusionsflaeche QR 25', 'Extrusionsflaeche QR 30'])
    input.SetDescription('an OIP control representing the options designated within the script editor')
    #Output Ports
    output = Marionette.PortOut('s')
    output.SetDescription('a string representing the option selected in the OIP..')

def RunNode(self):
    input = self.Params.input.value
    options = ['Extrusionsflaeche RR 15x25', 'Extrusionsflaeche QR 20', 'Extrusionsflaeche QR 25', 'Extrusionsflaeche QR 30']
    selection_index = int(input) # convert the string input to an integer index
    selection = options[selection_index] # get the corresponding option

    self.Params.output.value = selection

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i had to ask: 


how to manipulate this code

Modified April 2017
class Params(metaclass = Marionette.OrderedClass):



this = Marionette.Node( 'Popup' )
this.SetDescription('This node demonstrates the use of a Popup OIP control. The values returned by this node will be integers based on your selection starting with 0 for the first option and increasing by 1 for consecutive options.')

Input Ports

OIP Controls

input = Marionette.OIPControl( 'Popup', Marionette.WidgetType.Popup, 0, ['Extrusionsflaeche RR 15x25', 'Extrusionsflaeche QR 20', 'Extrusionsflaeche QR 25', 'Extrusionsflaeche QR 30'])
input.SetDescription('an OIP control representing the options designated within the script editor')

Output Ports

output = Marionette.PortOut('s')
output.SetDescription('an integer corresponding with the option selected in the OIP. Returned values range from 0 to one less than the number of options.')
def RunNode(self):
    input = self.Params.input.value



self.Params.output.value = input


to have a string as an output which is corresponding to the popup selection instead of the integer of the input?

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