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Tabelle Datenbankfelder zusammenfassen und Zwischensumme bilden


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Hallo miteinander, 


ich versuche gerade unsere Wohnflächenberechnung noch etwas intelligenter zu machen. Bisher arbeiten wir mit einer Datenbank, die wir dann in einer Tabelle auswerten und für jede Wohnung wurde eine einzelne Filterliste angelegt. Hat jemand eine Idee wie die Tabelle die Datenbank zuerst nach den vorhandenen Wohnungsnummern durchsucht, diese dann auflistet und separat summiert? Über "Werte zusammenfassen" in der ersten Spalte und "Werte addieren" können zwar die Wohngrößen berechnet werden, aber ich hätte gern auch die Raumbezeichnungen einzeln aufgelistet. 


Besten Dank und viele Grüße




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The table in Row 6 is SUMmarized on Column A, the Wohnungsnummer.  I think you just want to turn off the SUMmarization on that column and SUMmarize on Column C Raou-Bezeichng. instead.


For the columns that you want the values summed, make sure the Sum Values check box in the Database Header cell disclosure triangle is checked.


Hope this Helps

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On 3/25/2023 at 12:00 AM, Pat Stanford said:

The table in Row 6 is SUMmarized on Column A, the Wohnungsnummer.  I think you just want to turn off the SUMmarization on that column and SUMmarize on Column C Raou-Bezeichng. instead.


For the columns that you want the values summed, make sure the Sum Values check box in the Database Header cell disclosure triangle is checked.


Hope this Helps


Thanks Pat,


I want the "Wohnungsnummer" in Column A to work like a heading. That's why I summarized values here. The individual "Bezeichnungen" in Column C should then be listed and the area "Wohnfläche" summed up.


Regards Ruth

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I don't think there is a way in a standard worksheet to get Wohnungsnummer to show only once. Worksheet Databases are kind of All or Nothing.


If you only have a few apartments I would recommend that you just make a separate database row for each one. I can help you develop a database criteria that will access a "spreadsheet cell" to get the Wohnungsummer and use that as part of the criteria. Then you would just duplicate the database row and update the Wohnungsnummer for the different apartment.  If you have 20 or even 50 this might be OK. If you have thousands then we should consider a different solution.


The different solution would be a Database By Script. A script can be written that will specify the objects that are shown in each row of the database. So you could have an object that will show the Woohnungsummer in one row and then the Bezeichnungen for that apartment in separate rows.  But by doing this you lose the ability to Sort and SUMmarize the database, so you have to do all of that in the script. You would either need to be able to define exactly what you want or be enough of a programmer to modify the script if you need something different.



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Until now we are getting the Informations with "Filterzeilen" for each Apartment, but its a lot work and I was wondering if there is another more comfortable way. So it would be a Database by script? Do you know whether there is a tutorial for a similar marionette? Or a marionette that writes information in a row of the table or must I create a new database which is shown in the table? I only worked with the apartment script by DOMc. This one I was able to manipulate the way I wanted it. But I never created a script by myself. 

I think I need something to start with...


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I don't think Marionette can do this. I will try to get you an outline later this week or over the weekend.


Alternately, if you don't mind manually entering the database formula instead of using the formula builder, you could just have one database formula and have it pull the Apartment number directly form the line above so you only have to type it once.


Can you please post a file with a couple of your apartments with the records attached so I can make sure I am using the right records and fields?


If I am explaining this correctly, what you really want is a list of rooms (Raum-Bezeichng.) sorted by number (Raum-Nr.) separated by the apartment number (Wohnung) and having the apartment show as a header row above the rooms for that apartment.  


If you do it using Database by script you will not be able to use custom formatting (the bold and larger font for the apartment) as all of the rows in a database have the same formatting. I will also have to think about how to but the totals in on the apartment number row. Probably an IF statement in the database header row.  If the formatting is important, then Database by Script is not the way to go and a standard script may be better.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

I am looking to accomplish the same functionality ("If I am explaining this correctly, what you really want is a list of rooms (Raum-Bezeichng.) sorted by number (Raum-Nr.) separated by the apartment number (Wohnung) and having the apartment show as a header row above the rooms for that apartment."),  independently how many db records are to be listed as single records and grouped by one or multiple db fields. In db software it is a common functionality that a list of single records can be grouped/summarized within a reporting line/section above or below the block of records listing. I think large lists can be more readable with such a functionality.


@MKA_rw : how did you solve it finally?

many thanks

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  • 1 month later...


Unfortunately we couldn't solve it in Vectorworks. Finally, we exported the table with all its information to Excel and then summarized it in a pivot table. That worked quite well, but I would also like these functions to be integrated into the Vectorworks tables.

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