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InteriorCAD installation

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I have been granted an instructor license for InteriorCAD and have a couple of questions.  


  1. Is there an English language version?
  2. It looks like the latest version is associated with VW 22...is that correct?
  3. I was originally sent a German language version and I installed that and it was actually a full VW22 install with the InteriorCAD overlay.  Is there a way to just get it as a PIO?

I've sent through a support ticket to IC,  but haven't heard anything  back.



Thanks in advance!



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Hey Pat

Here is something I received a few days ago from my InteriorCad Rep. Perhaps this will answer some of your inquiries..



Hello All,


My apologies, as well as those of extragroup and Vectorworks… Everyone is profoundly embarrassed. The main problem has been the Migration Assistant. As Vectorworks and interiorcad have become more and more complex, this has become essentially imperative for a successful transition.Vectorworks 2023 SP3 was supposed to remedy this. extragroup has kludged through a work-around for this problem and is now in the final stages — the Installer System. A release is expected by the end of this week.


I’ll let everyone know as soon as I hear.


Kind Regards,



Tom Pearce
Coronal Studio
CAD Services
Vectorworks & interiorcad Training
Vectorworks & interiorcad Reseller



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