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Interacting with DLVP objects


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I work with the entertainment suite. I'm attempting to use the viewport functionality to make file version updates simple, but with a DLVP I can't get any info off of objects contained in the viewport. Specifically, I need objects to work with my braceworks and worksheets. 


For example, in my master file I reference the Venue as an individual layer with DLVP referencing the venue VWX.

I then receive a lighting plot as a VWX, so I reference in the layers I need and align them with the venue, and so on with the audio, scenic and other departments. Typically I'll have 6 or more references. 


Visually, this is all fine and dandy, but because the viewports are just 'pictures' of the other VWX, the OIP is useless. In an ideal world, the lighting fixtures/symbols from the DLVP would associate with the braceworks truss that exists on a separate layer in my master drawing, and display load calcs. 



This used to not be an issue with old style referencing, but I don't think I'm setting up my viewports correctly with the new style. What am I doing wrong?


The key goal is to make department revisions a simple update. If I use the old 'layer import' setting, I always have to drag the layer objects back into their correct locations if the various departments don't share the same origin. 


Can somebody please correct my workflow?

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Since this isn't generating any discussion, let me ask two direct questions that would solve my woes. 


A) Is there a way to interact with items contained within a viewport, such as seeing their OIP data, or making them participate in braceworks calculations on other native layers?




B) Is there a way to configure an offset origin on just one layer, so that when I update an old style layer reference, it doesn't move to the source document's datum? That really is the main headache for me with the current (old) workflow.





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No !


Would be nice if there would be some feature like for SLVP's "Edit in Place".

Maybe with out the "edit" option but selection and OIP data read out.





No !


That is why we use DLVPs.

As this is the only way to move References around, as the moved DLVP

can keep its offset. All Reference's Updates will happen inside that DLVP

only, while old Layer Referencing would destroy all edits with each new

Reference Update.

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I helped myself here. For others, the key when using Layer Reference(the old way) is to open your reference file first and set the user origin to a known location that matches your master drawing user origin- in my case the centerline/plasterline intersection, or perhaps a piece of architecture that is identifiable in both documents. 


Deselect the 'ignore user origin' tick box in the import layer dialog, and now everything will line up and stay lined up. Smart to lock your ref layers so you don't accidentally move something as well. 



I gotta say, DLVPs are useless with current functionality. I might as well just import a PDF if I can't get any of the key data out of the document. 

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9 minutes ago, Wood said:

the key when using Layer Reference(the old way) is to open your reference file first and set the user origin to a known location that matches your master drawing user origin


Yes, that is possible.


I thought you are about different design versions where you want to move

other versions geometry away from the original versions's position - to see

all beside each other.

Edited by zoomer
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