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Found 6 results

  1. The added controls for Shim Gaps for Windows (+ Doors) in VW2024 are great. Now you can edit the left/right/top/bot gaps independently: What we need now is for the Jamb settings to get a similar treatment: Being able to control the width + depth of the frame members independently whether they are the head, sill or jambs would be great. Similar controls already exist in WinDoor although here the jamb (side members) + head (top member) are treated the same whereas it would be better if they were separate: Like with the Shim Gap controls, if you only ever want the values to be the same all the way around the frame you would just link the values so it wouldn't be any more complicated than it is now. But being able to unlink the values + edit them separately would give an extra degree of control + make it more likely we can achieve the Window configurations we need. For example, if I am placing a rectangular window in an arched opening I will generally want to widen the head but not the jambs or sill. Or I might want to widen the jambs + head to allow for internal wall insulation but not the sill. Thanks
  2. Windows in VW2024 are working great but would be greater still if we had better control over the Sill parameters. The rear of the Sill Currently, the rear of a timber sill aligns with the internal face of the core Wall component if the Wall has a Core present + if the Wall does not have a Core, the rear of the sill will align with the interior face of the Window jamb. An improvement would be the ability to align the rear of the sill with any Wall component + to be able to apply an offset if desired. Additionally, we should be able to align the rear of the sill to the interior face of the Window jamb without having to remove the Core (since doing this will mess up Wall Closures). The front of the Sill Currently, where the front of the sill is located is dictated by the ‘Depth’ parameter which is measured from the rear of the sill. An improvement would be to remove the link to the rear of the sill + instead bind the front of the sill to the exterior face of the Wall + be able to apply an offset to dictate the projection. The Keep Currently, the 'Keep' parameter is measured from the rear of the sill + dictates where the exterior-facing slope starts. An improvement would be to remove the link to the rear of the sill + instead bind the rear of the slope to the exterior edge of the Window jamb + be able to apply an offset if desired. As alternative options we should also be able to define the start of the slope relative to the exterior face of the Wall or the front edge of the Sill. Similar improvements would be applied to the Brick + Masonry Sill configurations. These improvements would mean that Sills could be fully set up by Style + work regardless of the Wall the Window is inserted in. At the moment, Sills need to be re-configured each time the thickness of the Wall the Window is inserted in changes or the Window is inserted in a new (different) Wall. (I appreciate that if the rear of a Sill is bound to a specific Wall component as described above then this parameter will need to be reset if the Wall changes but this would be a relatively quick + straightforward change to make compared to the current situation + if the rear of the Sill was bound to the interior face of the jamb instead wouldn't apply at all).
  3. Since the update 2, when i start vectorworks, there is by minimum once a day the message appearing, that the resource manager library is out of date. Also appears on windows machines in our office. Not a big issue, but does anyone else have this behaviour?
  4. We finally have begun to use project sharing with one of our projects. Our server is a Synology nas, fresh out of the box for 6 weeks. The project that we started with, is converted from a vwx 2022 version. The project was setup yesterday and in the afternoon the first message appeared, that the metadata size is to large and should be cleaned. The count was 99379 entities. We followed the instructions to clear the metadata and after that 2 users got the message that the working file is no longer valid to work with the project file. We generated new working files and copy-pasted the data from the old working file to the new one. So far. This afternoon the message about the increase of the metadata appeared again! This time the count is 59959 entities. The size of the project file is 150mb. Actually only 3 people are accessing this file. Two have administrative priviliges, the other one is set to project level. Vectorworks version 2024.2 Accessing machines are 2 windows pc´s with win10pro and my mcbook as in the signature. Connection to the server is set to smb only. Anything we might have done wrong or any suggestions why this happens in such short time? screenshots from yesterday screenshot from this afternoon
  5. I was playing with lighting, trying to simulate led stripe similar lights. I used a small area light and saw in an elevation, that the light distribution is unequal compared to the geometry. The aera light was generated from a rectangle, 2000mm by 10mm. I compared this to a line light, which has an equal light ditribution. Maybe a very specific case, but not as expected. See the screenshots below. Upper images rendered in vwx. Lower ones "tuned" in ps to show the lightdistribution.
  6. Playing around with the new door functionality in Vw2024, and it seems that the new Interactive Handing functionality was intended primarily for use in 2D Top / Plan mode. 1) In a 3D view, with the Door tool selected, after you click on a Wall to insert the door, the only hint you have that you have to do something else to insert the door is the hint in the bottom left corner of the screen saying 'Standard Insertion Mode. Set Flip'. 2) The onscreen preview of the door in the wall does not change as you move the cursor around the door opening. 3) The little triangle at the bottom of the door - showing what I presume is the door orientation - doesn't change with respect to moving the mouse around. So it seems that if you insert doors in 3d, then you'll need to go to 2D Top / Plan view to correctly set the door handing. vw2024 door 3d.mov It's a similar situation when inserting a Window; it's waiting for you to set the Flip, but you only get the subtle hint in the bottom left corner.
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