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Found 6 results

  1. I'm trying to accomplish 2 things: Add a Pull-Back bar symbol to the bottom box in the array Keep the rigging frames that are in the original speaker symbol My assumption is that these objects are not visible in the array because they don't have a record attached to them... Just trying to get one step closer to this reality:
  2. Hi all, I've been having issues with the speaker tool and the array tool. With the speaker tool every now and again every speaker will disappear. I have confirmed multiple times that they are not in a hidden class or layer, and we're talking 70 speakers in multiple classes on multiple layers, so accidentally deleting all of them at once is highly unlikely. I've tried re-importing the symbol and doing a custom selection. For now when it happens I just open a previous file and copy and paste the speakers in. Still wastes a lot of time getting all the speakers back to their correct position, but this only happens with point sources. The array tool is special in its own way. I have my arrays on Braceworks hang positions, and when I change the trim height of the system, the bumpers will follow, but sometimes the speakers follow, sometimes they don't, sometimes they end up 20' higher than the bumper, and sometimes two arrays are fine, but then three others are completely out of whack, and I have to reconfigure or repopulate the arrays. Am I doing something wrong, or can I be sure these are bugs? Vectorworks 2020 SP3.1 (Build 537701) Designer/Renderworks Educational Windows 10 64bit
  3. Hi, I am laying out some ceiling loudspeakers across multiple floors of a leisure building for a background music, paging and PA/VA system. I inserted them in to my design layer using the speaker tool, and used a brand/model which was similar to the product I am going to choose later. Now I want to change the model, I have tried to select all the ceiling speakers on my current design layer (there are more) and change them using the Select Symbol button in the OIP... but it doesn't work. I select the symbol from Resource Manager and click select, but it looks like only the first speaker object I selected actually changes. I can do it one-by-one just not in bulk. Am I doing something wrong or is this not how the tool should work ? Thanks, R
  4. Hi All, When using the speaker tool, you can only add one main bumper within the speaker array tool. It's kind of weird that you are able to use three speaker types with no bumper between them. For example, a configuration with a 4 x K1-SB, 16 x K1, and 4 x K2 underhang. The K1 and K2 connection officially needs a underhang bumper. Would be nice to see this feature in the new service pack or the software release.
  5. I'm showing distances between speakers created with the speaker tool in a view port with the dimension tool. Once I create a dimension, half the speakers just disappear. I have to change some parameter that will re-create the autohybrid in order for a speaker to reappear. I tried updating the viewport, and that does not help.
  6. Now the question is, how do I use my custom bumper in the speaker array tool? RCF HDL-30A.vwx
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