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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, it might be a general question for Vectorworks software across, but I've got a specific question for my usecase. Is it possible to replace a truss symbol in a drawing, similar to "Replace lighting devices" for... lighting devices?
  2. Hello, Is there a way to replace a door created by tool A by a door created by tool B ?
  3. Is there a way to replace truss without having to do every piece by itself? Like you can with lighting fixtures... Select all of it and hit replace?
  4. I would love to see the Replace With Symbol… command offer the option to keep the user input scale. Right now, when I replace a symbol who's scale I have modified, it reverts to none. This is an action I perform all the time, and having the symbols revert to none forces me to re-scale everything, more than doubling the amount of time the operation should take. Also related, let's combine Replace... & Replace With Symbol... Perhaps there is a reason for two seperate commands, but I have yet to figure out what that is. Combining those, and expanding the dialog to allow all the various options (class, record format, etc.), as well as full access to the resources browser would be fantastic.
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