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Found 5 results

  1. Hi all, Any clue why this paperwork show this kind of X and Y coordinates when... - I've set the 0,0 on down stage center - All my lighting devices have a label legend that shows their X and Y coordinate which seem correct (see image, legend X and Y location is placed under the device) - I've set the report to show X and Y Location which shows a million decimals - I've set the document settings to 1mm in precision, no commas - The user origin is set to down stage edge - I've changed the cell to no decimals - I've tried different version of cell formatting, but the result is the same Thanks all!
  2. The red squares are where I'm looking and it's alright if there's no actual fix for what I'm going to ask. The ones I've pointed out look significantly different than the rest. Is there a way to change that or is that just how they're going to look in the paperwork? I've tried changing line weights and things and everything is set to just have a black outline, but so far, nothing I've really tried has worked. Thanks in advance!
  3. I've been using lightwright for as long as I've been using VWX so its never come up before. BUT.... Now I need to get VWX to be able to do a "counts" sheet without the help of LW. Essentially a gear list that can be slung to the rental house. I want to make a report that give me a quantity of each of the fixture types in my show so I can make a rental gear list. As it is, I just have a template that has each item listed but I have to manually enter the quantities. Of I can get VWX to count the instruments but then I have to take that number and enter it on the appropriate line. And as for cable, I have no idea how to get a count in. Ideally, I'd like VWX to work like an excell spreadsheet and give me a formula like "lookup the text in the cell to the left, count that quantity, multiply it by 1.15 (for spares), round up to the nearest whole number." Is this even a possibility? Anyone have any basic templates they wouldn't mind demonstrating? Or maybe there's a far better way to achieve this?
  4. I know there are some workarounds for this, but it'd be nice to just have the option to have fixtures excluded from paperwork in the object info panel. Either that or being able to select the classes that the paperwork will create from. I have a class for all standard fixture elements, but I also have a separate class strictly for house lights, so I can visualize with them on. Being able to remove them somehow in a native feature would be brilliant.
  5. Got very excited when i saw a dropdown for "Fixture Mode" in the Obj Info palette but then noticed its only for vision integration. Would be great if we were able to custom create fixture modes that get attached to a fixture type, and have a place for this dropdown to be integrated into report worksheets, or into they instrumentation key. Instead of mickey-mousing a user field or some other field to hold this data.
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