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  1. I'm asking if there is a way to script calculation of minimum sawn edge for a repeat tiling pattern given a known set of rules. If there's a way of solvng this mathematically without CAD I'd be very interested in that solution (it feels like there would be). A client asked me if I could find a way to utilise an area of old concrete as he likes my approach to reusing old materials. I suggested sawing the concrete into pavers in the shape of Cairo-type irregular polygon tiles – specifically type 4 (link below). This is the most blocky of the Cairo tiles, hence most suitable for this kind of work as least likely to break during processing, handling and laying. Rao 2018 Exhaustive search of convex pentagons which tile the plane. Page 15, Type 4 (second from right) in graphic. J Mathematics > Combinatorics. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1708.00274 [arxiv.org 200Kb .pdf] I've put page 15 into the vw file. (I have no idea why this very simple file is 13Mb!) I've now designed the surface using this form (image above - and .vwx encl). Due to rounding of angles tiles are not mathematically perfect i.e. if you zoom in you will see some slight overlaps across the surface - at this point I have not taken paver gaps into account (probably about 10mm at laying time). If it makes it eaier I would explode the symbols back to polygons - I image a script could traverse that more straight-forwardly. Rules for thinking about minimum edge length Paver edges within planters do not need to have a sawn edge and can utilise an existing broken/ existing edge. (red organic shapes will be raised planters that will sit over the edge of pavers - there will be no pavers under the planters as I want connection to the soil below). Where there are small white areas outside of the shapes, or where a tile edge nearly follows the planter edge I intend to use off-cuts to support the planter. Outer edge pavers do not need a sawn edge and can utilise an existing broken/ existing edge. The light-weight red closed polygon at the right of the area is a future brick path. Pavers crossing this line do not need a sawn edge and can utilise an existing broken/ existing edge. As shown pavers are a symbol, held by the class: 5 HS surface_-paver_Type4_Holder with the paver p 2ndolygon itself in another class: 5 HS surface_-paver_Type4 the brick surface polygon and the planter polygons are in their own separate classes: 5 HS_-court brick 5 HS_-court planters v3 dimensionable So … is this a problem that can be solved with vectorworks scripting, or is it an impossible ask? Tiling sawn edge length _Ald6.vwx
  2. With only limited experience, trying to bend a data tag to my will. Goal is to multiply or divide value in a calculated field by the value in a User Entered field elsewhere in the same data tag. Associated objects are just basic polygons with no record formats. Is this possible? The "items" in attached image do not need to be present in the drawing. I just input an area value of my choice in Field #2 of the Data Tag. Any comment welcome. -B
  3. Version 1.0.0


    The golden angle node will give you the location of points following the 'Golden Spiral' which presents itself everywhere in nature.
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