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Found 5 results

  1. Hi Marionette geniuses! I wonder if there's an opposite node for or a way to workaround to untick/remove IFC entities that were previously attached to objects. Data Manager has been really helpful attach/manage new IFC data, but when I tried to remove any unwanted entity/data in Data Manager, they still remain in the Data tab in OIP. Only gave me the option to manually untick them in the OIP if this makes sense. I was hoping it can automatically unactivate removed entities...Data Manager is still under developing from what i read, hopefully this will get improved! I've checked the collection of various nodes shared by AlanW and tried searching across the forum, but got no luck. If it already exists, could you redirect me to the post please? Thanks in advance!
  2. Hi, I'm working more and more with exported models in ifc for our projects, And it's working fairly well the models are sometimes way to big, like 250mb, compared to the whole house file which usually is aroud half of that... But to get to the point, does anyone know of any good guides on workflow and how to set up ifc files and models to work well for export. For example, I'm having a hard time understanding, and finding any good comprehensive guides on what IfcEntitys to use, (almost everything I do is custom objects, for example a hoist hanging in a motorised beam trolley) or our own lifting system. Do I just use Ifcproxy for everything since its custom. Does it matter if I set up every symbol with ifc data or is it better to to just select all and make that a symbol/group and attach ifc over the whole project. Does it affect the file size for example? Why should I use ifc 2x3 instead of 4 etc etc.. It would be really nice if someone knows of any good guides or training examples. Thanks in advance.
  3. Any ideas why I'm seeing a duplicate Story in my IFC Project layer mapping settings?
  4. Hi community, Is there a way to visualize if given object (wall, door, window...etc) is/is not included in Energos calculation at this state of tool? Or can ve visualize envelope by U or R value. This would be really really welcome feature, but I cant to find criteria for that... All i can find is Energos Label object. No mention of Energos values in wall, doors, windows parameters. Thanks for answer.
  5. Today, global design and BIM software developer Vectorworks, Inc. announces the Service Pack 3 (SP3) release for the 2017 line of products, which include Vectorworks® Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, Designer and Vision. “Vectorworks 2017 was a monumental release for us, but we haven’t stopped working to make it the best design software available,” said Vectorworks CEO Dr. Biplab Sarkar. “This feature-heavy Service Pack 3 update reinforces our mission to develop user-friendly and adaptable software that achieves high-quality performance for the ever-changing needs of today’s professional design firms. What’s more, our service packs are a free added benefit to all customers.” SERVICE PACK 3 UPDATES IN VECTORWORKS 2017 The new productivity and performance enhancements in the SP3 release include the following: For a more productive 3D workflow and faster navigation, designers will benefit from improved capability with 3Dconnexion’s 3D mouse. Designers can make use of the 3D mouse and design with two hands for better workflow customization. Functionality on the Mac now aligns with that of Windows. Providing a greater level of control and consistency on Open BIM projects, the new IFC Data Mappings command ensures that IFC has been mapped before exporting to a BIM model. More than 13 times as many high-quality 3D plants from VBvisual are now available by default, at the time of use, enabling more efficient workflows and offering improved visualizations. With IFC symbol import, it’s now possible to instance symbol data, which reduces file import time and file size, therefore improving the overall file performance. When exporting sheet layers to DWG, only the visible objects are exported. This significantly improves the file size when exporting a small, cropped viewport from a large file. Overall performance improvements include but are not limited to the Vectorworks Graphics Module (VGM), structural member object, viewport data visualization and BCF Manager. SERVICE PACK 3 UPDATES IN VISION 2017 Since acquiring what was previously known as ESP Vision, Vectorworks has been committed to the continued development and improved performance of the Vision previsualization software. To this end, the Vision 2017 Service Pack 3 received performance improvements, notably to rendering quality and speed. “I must say, improvements are noticeable and as a customer that makes me happy,” said Gaspar Potcnik, a Vectorworks user, acknowledging the Vision updates. “The new render is much more user friendly.” Other new Vision updates with SP3 include: The new Export Video command allows designers to render out a movie of the currently rendered scene as a video file for improved sharing of design ideas with clients and colleagues Significantly faster file loading time Video capture devices can easily be customized for screen displays More realistic textured objects Current Vectorworks users can apply Service Pack 3 updates by running the “Check for Updates” command, and those purchasing a Vectorworks 2017 license after the Service Pack 3 release should double check that it was downloaded. Vision users can obtain the links to download Service Pack 3 updates by visiting the tech bulletin. To learn more about Vectorworks 2017 software, visit vectorworks.net/2017.
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