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Found 3 results

  1. Is there a way to insert a filename field (Project.Data Filename) in a Title block but without the .vwx suffix (e.g. "Document" instead of "Document.vwx")? Due to legal reasons we are delivering pdf files and therefore publishing/exporting pdf files with a consistent title block (.pdf rather than .vwx o no suffix at all) is needed. Thanks in advance!
  2. Since the Design Summit 21 I've been publishing to the cloud using Vectorworks Service Select. Brilliant! Thought I'd share an experience. Cloud publishing is not possible if your filename has the usual unsupported characters like "&" "-" etc. This also applies to folder names. The error message is "file must be saved to cloud"....so the unsupported characters prevent uploading even though you've saved the file (and folder) to your desktop mapped drive.
  3. Even a tooltip or hover tip would be helpful. Not the best solution, but in the interim… For ex: Who knows which milestone project below is V1 and which V0?
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