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  1. Good morning everyone, I feel like this is a common glitch and usually works after a restart but this time it doens't! I have been stuck on it for days and just loosing time, I can't go back to using my file normally it's very frustrating. It started with me copying the windoor objects from my PLAN file to my WINDOOR SCHEDULE file, modifying some windows in there and wanting to copy back to the PLAN file in order to be able to copy the parameters/paste onto the existing windows. It wouldn't allow me to do so. When I would copy a window from the WINDOOR SCHEDULE file it would come without mullions, wrong dimensions ... I chatted with vectorworks support and they recommended running a script to show hidden windoor objects which I did and all my issues started there. I had this attached conflict message a lot. I then created a new file, imported layers and then it worked I was able to copy the windows and they would come well. Except all my doors dissapeared, and I started having glitches all around. For example, my windows jumped to another height, I can't select it, have to force it, and when I do change the sill it just dissapears. If for example I copy and paste in place the wall that has the windo in it, the window is gone completely. I can't work my way around that. Please help !!!! I am desperate to fix this.plan.vwxplan.vwxplan.vwxplan.vwxplan.vwx
  2. Dear all, In August 2020 I have contacted the technical support for an issue encountered while importing files created with previous versions of Vectorworks. Below the reply: In response to your report of problems converting Vectorworks files from 2019 to 2020, we inform you that the problem is caused by the "Lighting Pipe Ladder" objects. On conversion from 2019 to 2020, Vectorworks crashes trying to create auto-hybrid geometry. The quickest solution is to open the file in the 2019 version and delete the "Lighting Pipe Ladder" objects. Alternatively, it is necessary to check if the diameter of the "Lighting Pipe Ladder" objects is too small for the auto-hybrid calculation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The problem was found, but not solved by my support request. At the time, unable to download the v2019 because I was on a cruise ship working, I found myself having to make changes to the PDF files I had exported previously in order to give an answer to the client. With the release of v2021 I tried to import the same file and to my surprise, the problem persists .... I am talking about a Vectorwkors native file and therefore I struggle to understand why an updated version of Vector cannot open it. The only viable solution now is to download v2019, try to import the file and delete what is indicated in the support email ... really frustrating. During the process of opening the file, it gets stuck at step 4 causing the software to crash ... Has anyone found any similar problem before? Is there a way to import the file without having to install v2019?? Thanks!! Amedeo
  3. Hi All, This is hopefully a very quick question with an obvious answer I'm overlooking.. Autosave options in Vectorworks are pretty straightforwards. I have it set to update every 15 minutes to 'a backup folder in the same place as the original file'. Great; it creates a folder called 'VW Backup' and I can see all the autosaved .vwx files in there. But what are the '.bak. files which seem to be littering the folder where the main .vwx files are saved? Do I need to keep these? Should I keep deleting them? I've never really understood what they are. Thanks!
  4. Hi, I have come across this problem with one of my Vectorworks file. When I try to open the file it gives me this error "Unexpected end of file encountered during file read operation" and when I hit ok, it goes into recovery mode and recovers only a few layers out of all. I am trying to find out a way to recover this file completely. Please if anybody who had a similar experience and successfully recovers the file can guide me through the process. Thanks!
  5. Hi All, We are currently in the process of constructing a complex 3D vectorworks model with the end goal of exporting from Vectorworks to rhino, in order to render in V-ray. Any ideas as how to best construct and export so that the file is as clean as possible, with all appropriate layers, when imported into rhino? KM VW 2016 SP3
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