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Found 6 results

  1. I am having serious troubles with curves appearing faceted. I have set the curved geometry on shaded to "very high" and I still get facets. I tried to start a workaround for the element I am working on and drew a simple circle as a layout shape and even the 2d circle is showing faceted-- see attached video. Any thoughts? I have even looked at other rendering styles and they are coming out wrong as well. I opened an old drawing that has curves in it. Those curves appear to be fine. If I generate new curves they are jagged. I tried it on 2 different computers with the same result. Recording 2024-07-28 130313.mp4
  2. Hi All, Ive seen images of lots of complex wavy extrudes and curved entities while learning Vectorworks but I am struggling to make a simple curved wall (actually a thin metal edge) that curves in plan and in elevation. Screen shot below of intent. I want the bottom of the wall to be flat but the top to gently rise and fall. Is there an easy way to do this? I've come close by making a curved wall and pulling the end vertices up and down but this tends to affect the whole length of the wall and if you split the wall it results in a pointed peak. Thanks all
  3. Hello, I've exported my design in Vectorworks via dwg so I can build in Sketchup. All my curved linework is showing up as segmented lines instead of the arcs. Is there something I'm missing when exporting the dwg to show the curves in Sketchup? screenshots attached. Thank you for any guidance on this issue. Lukas
  4. So I draw a polyline using a combination of bezier curves and corners. Later, I use the split tool to chop off a piece of that shape. Next time I go to edit a bezier curve of that polyline I find that between every curved vertex is now a new corner vertex, making it so I can't edit the shape without having unwanted corners EVERYWHERE, or having to go vertex by vertex and delete the random corners that were added. It takes FOREVER, and is the only way to resolve the issue and get my shape back into a functional state when this happens. Otherwise every time I try to change a curve I get unwanted corners on either side (instead of the expected behavior of the surrounding curves adjusting along with the curved vertex being moved). This seems like a bug and has been an Issue that I've silently just lived with for years now, but sucks up a ton of time and It's driving me up the wall. I'm on MacOS Big Sur, VWX 2021, but have had this issue as far as I can remember. Vectorworks, please do something! It's like shouting into a black box... polyline with curves gains millions of unwanted corners.vwx
  5. Hi all - I was feeling pretty clever after FINALLY tracing a series of Art Deco-ish waves using nurbs curves. It was complicated, and I'm sure I did it "wrong," but I love the shape that resulted. (Can I display an image here??) Problem is, I cannot figure out how to extrude this beautiful shape in order to pop it up in 3-D. My usual strategies have failed me: clip surface, combine surface, etc. I tried converting to a 2-D polygon. Nothing has worked. Anyone know an "easy" solution? Or do I need to start from scratch? Thanks for any suggestions!
  6. I have a long, very curvy path drawn in 2d in plan form, which I want to convert to a 3d polygon that I can apply as a pad modifier to an existing site model. However, it is not a flat path in terms of height - it has a crossfall in level and also varies in gradient along the length of the path. I had thought the best way for me to do this would be to convert both long edges of the path to 3d polyline, set the levels for each loci point and loft between the two lines... is this the most efficient workflow? I don't particularly want to have to set levels for each loci point - if there's a way I can set a few and ask vectorworks to interpolate that would be better, but I can't find any tool that might do this? Any comments / ideas?
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