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Posts posted by Tismacfan.

  1. I would like to use the formula =SURFACEAREA('RIGHT NET'; 'min height from base=..') in a worksheet, but as a value, I want to refer to a cell from which I want to retrieve the slab thickness. Can these formulas refer to other cells, or other cells within other worksheets?

  2. Hello Pat


    I have walls with multiple components. So I want a worksheet with the surface area of the inner component in one column, this can be done via the formula = surfacearea('right net'), and in the other column, I would like to see the name of this texture from the inner component. It could be that the inner component has a texture with the name A, but that I use the texture tool from the basic tools to place a different texture on that inner component, for example, texture B, so that I then see the name of texture B in the worksheet

  3. Hello


    A wall consisting of several components, of which one component is load-bearing. How can I get this component in a different color through data visualization in my drawing based on the load-bearing field value. Tanks for the Info.





  4. What can be the problem, when i have al light with a color, it gives the color in the designlayer when i choose shaded. When i choose a rendworkssytle it becomes white. The same happens in my sheetlayers.

    Is this a kind of setting and where can i find these?

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