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Posts posted by Tismacfan.

  1. Okay, but if I want to retrieve the name of the material in a column, I get all three materials: Material 1 + Material 2 + the name of the compound material. However, I only want to see the name of the compound material in my worksheet, with its weight calculated next to it. The weight should include the combined weight of Material 1 and Material 2.

  2. This happens when you are in column view on a Mac, and a preview of the file content is displayed. There are two workflows to resolve this issue. Either change the view in your Finder to list view instead of column view, or go to the Applications folder, right-click on the program Vctorworks, and choose “Show Package Contents.” Open the folder Contents > Plug-ins and compress the QLPreviewExtension.appex application.

    • Like 4


    “Sorry, maybe I wasn’t clear due to the language barrier. I’ll try again to explain what I’m looking for. I have a wall with several components, and these components have different materials. In the first cell, I want to retrieve the names of the materials used in these components, for example, ‘brick’. Then, in the second cell, I want to retrieve the value of the record attached to that material, without manually entering the material name, but by referring to Cell A1, where the material name is already located. Is this clearer? It might very well be that what I’m asking for is not possible, of course. I would prefer not to work with the index of the components because, in wall 1, the brick might be component 1, and in another wall, the brick might be component 2.”


    Let me know if this works!

  4. “Yes, thank you, that’s correct, but I can’t find a formula that gives me the name of the component without using the index. I’d like to retrieve the component name without having to rely on the component’s index.”

    “And when I use this formula =MATPROPERTYBYNAME(MATERIALNAME,'recordname’.'fieldname'), but I want the material name to refer to a cell where the material name is located, it doesn’t work and I get the error message #PARMS#.”

  5. “Ok, thank you, this does indeed work, but is there a way to retrieve the name of a component in a worksheet without using the index? It’s difficult because in some walls, Component X is in position 1, while in others, Component X is in position 2. I would like to retrieve the material used by this component based on the component name, rather than using the index.”

  6. In the predefined worksheets, there is a worksheet called Materials Data Sheet. When you open it, there is a suggestion on how to retrieve the value of a record field from a record linked to a material. The formula provided is =MaterialProperty('materialname', 'recordname'.'fieldname'). However, when I link a record to a material and enter a field value, I expect to see the field value from my linked material record in this field. But nothing appears. What am I doing wrong? Or does that suggestion no longer work in this worksheet?

  7. I would like to use the formula =SURFACEAREA('RIGHT NET'; 'min height from base=..') in a worksheet, but as a value, I want to refer to a cell from which I want to retrieve the slab thickness. Can these formulas refer to other cells, or other cells within other worksheets?

  8. Hello Pat


    I have walls with multiple components. So I want a worksheet with the surface area of the inner component in one column, this can be done via the formula = surfacearea('right net'), and in the other column, I would like to see the name of this texture from the inner component. It could be that the inner component has a texture with the name A, but that I use the texture tool from the basic tools to place a different texture on that inner component, for example, texture B, so that I then see the name of texture B in the worksheet

  9. Hello


    A wall consisting of several components, of which one component is load-bearing. How can I get this component in a different color through data visualization in my drawing based on the load-bearing field value. Tanks for the Info.





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