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Gerard Jonker

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Posts posted by Gerard Jonker

  1. Gerard,

    Have you tried replacing the workspaces with the workspaces in the backup folder?

    Hi Katie,

    Yes, I have tried that first.

    I'm thinking about have them reinstalling XP.

    The People that sold my client the cpu installed XP from another HD (copied?). Maybe a clean install from CD/DVD might do it? It is really my last resort, apart from swapping memory banks.

    As they will be reinstalling, would you recommend XP or Vista?

    Has VW been tested on 8 core PC's running either XP or Vista (Vista in which flavour)?

    Is VW compatible with 64 bit OS?

    Any push in the most success prone direction would be highly appreciated.



  2. Hi Katie,

    Removing the VW preferences in the registry didn't help.

    Which was more or less to be expected, VW has never run on this machine. But I didn't realize that.

    Is VW compatible with XP 64 bit?

    Is VW compatible with a 8 core Intel machine?

    I received the dialogs:

    AppName vectorworks.exe AppVer ModName: quicktime.qts

    ModVer: Offset:00074275

    Exception Information

    Code 0x0000000000000000 Address: 0x0000000066874275

    System information

    Windows NT 5.2 Build: 3790

    CPU Vendor Code: 756E6547 - 49656E69 - 6C65746E

    CPU Version: 000006F7CPU Feature Code: BFEBFBFF

    CPU AMD Feature Code: 0216E828

    Module 1


    Image Base: 0x00400000 Image Size: 0x00000000

    Checksum: 0x00000000 Time Stamp: 0x4654d3lb

    Version Information

    Any solution would be highly appreciated.



  3. Hi G,

    That is not what I meant with fluid.

    A model like this would be done much quicker (for me at least) in VW than in C4D. Even though special attention is needed to get a nice transition between straight and bend.

    BTW, I love the light and the reflections in your image.

    Models like these are more what I had in mind:



    Both are not mine.


  4. Hi David,

    No, apart from subtracting objects, I don't use it for modelling at all. (You can animate the subtractions, really great!)

    I have a few VW scripts from my own hand that help me with round and double curved surfaces, all polygon based.

    The lack of control over the exact measurements in C4D (and VW nurbs, for that matter), always makes me go back to simple 3D polygon editing.


  5. One of my clients has a similar problem.

    Windows XP 64 bit on an 8 core machine.

    Reinstalled VW from DVD. 12.5.0 and 12.5.2 both exit without actually opening. Then windows comes with a standard message about the possibility some data was lost.

    Quicktime removed and an older version installed 7.1.3 and 7.0 no solutions there.

    Please help!


  6. Hi Lulu and others,

    I made a little command that does exactly this, you can use it from a scriptpalette, but you can also make a menu command, paste the code you find below and place this command in your workspace. make sure to also assign it the P for the keyshortcut and place the standard Print command in some obscure menu so you won't accidentally use that. You may not leave it out of the workspace, as my command will search for it there. (I have a '~' command for this very purpose)

    To use it, you place some textblocks in your drawing and assign them these classes: 'P-PRINTDATUM' and 'P-PRINTTIME' (without quotes). Then double click the script, or choose your Menucommand from the menu and ready you are.

    You may want to delete the three lines that have to do with printing "Black and White only".

    When you use this command, it looks like the text is inserted after the print command, but it is actually inserted before and will be used in the print.

    For inserting Filename and Path please check out this site:


    Have fun with it,

    Gerard jonker

    -----------copy below this line--------------

    procedure afdrukken;


    {* Copyrights Jonker en Wu *}

    {* ir G.D.Jonker *}





    function Fplacedate(hd:handle):boolean;


    if gettype(HD) = 10 then {= text}



    if (whatclas ='P-PRINTDATUM') then begin

    tekst := Date(0,0);

    if tekst = '' then tekst := ' ';

    {Not to throw away the text block, insert some spaces}



    if whatclas = 'P-PRINTTIME' then begin

    tekst := Date(2,2);

    if tekst = '' then tekst := ' ';

    {Not to throw away the text block, insert some spaces}




    End; {Fplacedate}


    aanuit := Getpref(10); {register how you found B&W}

    setpref(10,true); {turn on B&W}

    ForEachObjectInLayer (Fplacedate,0,2,2) ;



    setpref(10,aanuit); {Reset to found B&W state}

    end; {afdrukken}


  7. Hi Carpalmer,

    I'm using C4D for quite a while now, I started in R7 and just upgraded to R10. I'm very pleased with quality and speed, less with the interface. Coming from VW it (still) feels quite unnatural. I like C4D's ability to do with textures what I want, instead of constantly running into the RW limitations and RW's awkward mapping dialog. C4D is great for making movies.

    The import export plugins for VW run fine, I think you need to have them, although in bigger projects I never dare to use the update ability (this may very well be my problem, I'll ask my shrink). I like the plugin's import format over the dxf import.

    You may want to check out the odd combination of sketch-up and Maxwell I hear very good things about it and I see stunning results. Unfortunately there is no Maxwell plug-in for VW/RW.

    The speed is not so much a problem anymore if you have an Intell running somewhere in your office.



  8. Hi Petri,

    I'm sorry to see you go.

    So long, and thanks for all the fish.

    and fish there was. Usually hidden under a pile of snears, but the fish was there.

    For many people the "tone' of the mails was reason to dismiss you, easier than having a critical eye on themselves. Something they should reflect upon. But you are the wiser in this, you know how people will react, and therefore you are partially to blame, too.

    As we speak NNA is beginning to carefully look outside the borders of the USA. unfortunately they still see a bunch of wildies running around in bear skins, waving our wooden clubs. Hence the dongle on their products.

    But they are developping an interest to our needs and I think, as international sales are steadily growing, a development in VW that will suit needs better and better.

    You have to admit that the latest developments in Sheetlayers and ViewPorts are a major enhancement we all provit from. the program has made some real progress since I first touched it (MC 2, back in the early 90's)

    This is it then?

    So long for now and I hope we meet again.

    Sincerely yours,

    Gerard Jonker

  9. I'm designing clothing patterns. The pattern itself exists as a set of relationships to a block based on body measurements.

    What if you draw your design based on 1 size and then:

    1 export as VS

    2 open in an editor

    3 look for the dimesnions to change for parameters

    4 put it all in a script behind a dialog that asks for W and L size.

    Just do one pand-pattern at the time, should be doable.


    P.S. Please make trouser bands high again, I hate those backside cleavages I see around me all the time. smile.gif

  10. Hi Fred,

    Never heard of a person called "Not Fred" smile.gif

    You can assign the Esc key to a second entry of the selection tool (so both the Esc and the X activate the selection tool. If you are on windows you have to ask some with a Mac (like me?) to do it for you.

    It has taken me years to get used to the esc key, but ex AC people love me adding that to their WS.

    Hi Raymond,

    Good for you to plug your Plug-in. I love it and other people should, also, get a chance to see and use that fantastic piece of software.

    Keep 'm coming!


  11. Basically you can do this by selecting the objects at hand and then resize one object with the selection tool. You have some control over the process by using the databar. The downside is the objects relative positions are scaled as well. This can be overcome using the command "Scale Individually", but you don't have that as I wrote it myself. Interested? drop me a line: gj@jonker-wu.nl, and I'll send you a copy.


  12. Are there not in your workspace yet?

    Standard Vectorworks ships with some plugin objects.

    -Open your Workspace editor, (tool menu or File menu)

    -Edit the current

    -Klick in the next window on the top centre button. (Tools)

    -Drag a new palette from top left to right.

    -Open "All Tools" by klicking the triangle and scroll down to Door, Simple Door, Simple Window

    -Drag the tools (in this case PIO's) from left to right in your palette.

    -Save the WorkSpace.

    Have fun,


  13. Hi Petri,

    I think you really should take a look at siriussolution.biz and get your self an evauation copy of Reshaper. I have sofar read three posts (see also the edit extrudes posts) from your hand bringing me to the conclusion you haven't seen it yet.

    I'm using Reshaper all the time since Mr. Mullin introduced it for version 11. The number of objects it handles is steadily growing. So there is less and less need to use the, in my eyes, somewhat crippled Object Info Palette. I still have the OIP open, but I use as often as I can (about 90% of the time) Reshaper for editing.

    Try it, you will like it, or, I'm sure of that, at least recognize and appreciate the enormous amount of skillful work behind it.

    Have fun,


  14. Oh, I forogt to say a few things:

    I agree with Petri, try to work things out with a local reseller first. They can help you with typical local things. Not necesarily buy a translated version, although they have a lot of true localized stuff, most people hardly use that, instead they build their own libraries. You can always trade-up to a localized version later.

    Some larger offices prefer to deal directly with the distributor, this is a mistake, most times you are better of with a local reseller.

    As for buying from the US: you will, in the end, forget about the initial price and local support is great to have.


  15. Hi Peter,

    You can buy anywhere in Europe, from any country in Europe. The distributors have made some agreement amongst each other to be reluctatnt about it. There is currently a misunderstanding about the role of the reseller. But if you are an enduser you can buy anywhere you want.

    The UK sells quite cheap compared to the rest of Europe. If you are interested check out orangedust.co.uk, we sell through out Europe.

    The USA version is undongled, it is sad that the EU versions are. There is a research report showing EU citizens having more illegal software on their computers than the rest of the world. This report shows its head during evry discussion about dongles. The report is spread by a party gaining from that outcome. There has never been any independent research to the (commercial?) USE of illegal software, compared per country.

    However, it is not strange why there is a dongle, because the eu distributors wanted to protect their translations being used under a cheaper US license number. This could also have been achieved by a different set of license numbers.

    Nobody has done any serious research to what a dongle does to the spread of a program, while you can feel on your water that it must be a negative effect. VW outsells any other program in Japan and New Sealand (is that still the case?) I bet the defacto exchange standard in those countries is still DWG.

    Make sure you don't loose the dongle or have it insured. When you loose the dongle you will be charged for a complete license. 520,- GBP.

    To get back to the original question.

    There are some minor differences between the UK and the US version. The dongle being one of them. Getting it here is the difficult part. If you have a US version in Europe and want to upgrade, please contact us off list.

    Gerard Jonker

    Orange Dust, Lichfield, UK


  16. Hi Petri,

    This is a valid point you have.

    There are, in my eyes, only two ways to go about it:

    1 Don't talk about them and only give or sell to your users.

    2 Go to NNA, lift the smallest tip of the vale and see what they might think.

    in number 1 you still have the risk they might come up with the idea on their own account.

    in number 2 you may have waisted a plane ticket or lifted the vale a notch too far.

    It is really a difficult terrain. I have mostly choosen for number 1. I add value to VW I don't talk about, only my customers will benefit.

    Some things that are too difficult for me to implement I ask NNA to do on the wish-list.

    I don't sell my Plug-ins independently. Are there 3rd party developpers who ever managed to sell a Plug-In and make enough money on it to pay for the hours?

    As far as RA stealing your ideas, it is more or less his job. We can only pray NNA has the decency to stay away from readily developped products or at least contact the author of the product. There are already a few examples in VW that makes you wonder why the original developer keeps on pushing his/her product on his/her own site while an almost similar idea is now implemented in VW.

    There was probably no contact. Did NNA know about the original product?

    It would be great if there was a serious 3rd party section on the NNA website. It should iinclude a guarantee that products listed there will not be used by NNA (or at least not without prior notice) it would mean you could savely advertise your products there.

    For me a heads up on their plans, regarding development of ideas that were mine to begin with, would be enough most of the time. It would save me a lot of development and maintenance time. Keep in mind that I never talk about the real stuff, so there is almost no way NNA could know they are fishing in my pond.

    Have fun.

  17. Hi Robert,

    Could this be related to the problem that we can't check the position of a PIO from inside the PIO? The function Get Origin, returns the position of the PIO, instead of the User Origin.

    I really hope this gets fixed.



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