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Alex Hughes

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Everything posted by Alex Hughes

  1. @CW2020 when you say screen coordinates do you mean the locations of things compared with the rulers on top and to the side of where you draw?
  2. Quite the contrary actually. This person knew Revit well. They were able to explain what Revit could do. I respect that they were also honest enough to admit when Revit was not well suited to the tasks they were being asked about, which were a number of design related tasks and processes.
  3. @DJMDevon Have you tried setting the preferences for the eyedropper tool to just pick up the things you want it to?
  4. My 2c but I thought I’d share… I know that the price increase is a shock but I’ve long thought that Vectorworks could cost more given all it does. I figure they are simply adjusting their price to catch up with that. Since I’m not going to stop using Vectorworks I just look at it that I’ve been getting a discount up till now. I’ve sat in on a Revit demo at a colleague’s office (where Vectorworks is being used but some people have said they should look at switching) and I was surprised to find out how little it did in comparison to Vectorworks. People asked lots of questions along the lines of “how do you do this?” and the Revit demo’er regularly had to say it couldn’t or described confusing ways to get simple (for Vectorworks) tasks done. After hearing all the Revit hype I was honestly amazed.
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