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Adam E

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Personal Information

  • Occupation
    Exhibit Designer
  • Location
    Bridgeport, CT
  1. Here are two extruded circles. The only difference is the color. This is from a shaded sheet layer at 300 dpi. This just started happening since the most recent patch.
  2. Is there any way to import Inventor files into VW?
  3. Doesn't work for me either. Any solutions yet?
  4. It seems to randomly break the symbols down completely. I am working with a complex 3d file and this is killing me!
  5. I have been using VW for 20 years (going back to MiniCAD) on a mac. With VW2017 designer, when I "convert copy to lines" on a group, it ungroups the original 3d objects. It converts all the symbols within the group and ungroups them also so that whatever I started with becomes a total mess. Help
  6. Is there any way to open a MiniCad 5 file (from 1995!) on a mac running VectorWorks 2008?
  7. Thanks...I will keep that in mind for the future.
  8. I am on a mac. Well, since I came in today (a day after the crashing) and have restarted my computer, it seems to be working now. Strange behavior!
  9. Well, I just upgraded to 12.5.1 and now I cannot do a 'convert to hidden lines' without crashing (the file worked fine before the upgrade)...bummer. I am now going to downgrade back to 12.5.
  10. Copying RenderWorks cameras is definitely the way to go. Thank you both for your AWESOME advice --- very helpful.
  11. Although I own RenderWorks, I have not actually used it in years....tried it when it first came out. Never really used though.
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