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Everything posted by Gadzooks

  1. This will inevitably hold you back. It gets the job done for the moment if you're under pressure, but when you have more time you'll find learning an extended skill set will reap rewards in your productive time. All the best for the learning curve. Don't be put off - with Vectorworks its not that steep before you are really happy with your creations. (Psst!, We're all learning still)
  2. Kevin - Yes, sometimes it takes a counter-intuitive direction. I too would want it to stay on the selected plane. Keeping your line in place, you can place the centre of your switches with snap set to 'distance' (fraction 1/3 chosen from options).
  3. As usual with your visuals - beautifully done Luis (never mind the quality - feel the width) And, I'll take a suit in the Shantung, a waistcoat in the Cotton Twill and can you do me a onesie in the Purple Polyester (for special occasions obviously !)
  4. @Ellen 7This might help initially... https://youtu.be/1QTWwugRIV4 BTW - It would be good if you added a signature with details about the VW version etc so any future help could be more focussed.
  5. Good catch Kevin. I hadn't seen this, but have now tried it and find it particularly annoying. Annoying in that I can't dismiss the protractor and (frankly) annoying that the swift comment from VW Inc via @Chih-Pinis effectively "yes we know". (But not stated) "But didn't want the issue to cloud the (big fanfare) multi-pane release." Pity, as I've used multi-pane in other cad programs for years and expected it to arrive on VW2018 'sweet'. I'd like to know if VW Inc would list all the other issues that they already know about (yes - like thats going to happen) and will be 'fixed' (caught up with) in the forthcoming SP releases. Would be nice though if there were at least some occasional posts from VW Inc in the 'Known Issues' section - It would be nice to show you're only human! Meanwhile we users will stumble over the issues, day to day, thinking that we ought to help our fellow users by reporting to this forum. --------------------------- Got that out of my system! Moving on - In my limited testing, (and here's me back to trying to help) it seems the 'feature' relates only to the next pane used. And also the tool can't be reselected after this event/occurrence. Seems its 'locked-out'. Just to add (so you can see I'm being fair!) - Generally VW2018 - from my use and reading of others use up to now - is stable and seems to lack any huge problems . And....yes folks, multi-pane is really good and will become second nature!
  6. Excellent modelling as always DC. Compulsive viewing is something I would never have thought of for a Vectorworks forum, but your posts definitely are! On the screenshot - I see the smaller pipe entering the larger near its base (elevationally). In fact it is drawn slightly within the wall of the larger pipe and terminates on the centreline of the larger pipe. Yet the OpenGL pane looks slightly different - the smaller pipe appears slightly elevated and my eye says it should just about be seen within the larger pipe. Just an observation...anyone else 'see' this?
  7. I'm assuming the boffins didn't want to automate how new menu items are transitioned to custom workspace menus, as the placement is entirely up to the 'owner' and they should oversee that manually.
  8. Like this? Thats what I couldn't seem to work out. I expected the full menu and sub headings. No great harm done - got there in the end.
  9. I've just been able to add this by manually adding a 'New Menu' followed by the submenus Edit: (Which behaves as expected btw) I assume thats down to me then - although I would have preferred it to be seamless
  10. Zoomer - It started so well...... I've just taken the wrapper off 2018 and started to see if I can be (foolish enough?) committing live projects to it. I usually use a custom workspace and this is missing for me also. Have you tried adding it through the editor? I can't get it to modify the custom workspace complete with its sub menus. It insists on listing the submenus. This is what I have.. Whereas it should of course be.. Something I'm doing wrong?
  11. Thanks - rookie mistake then. Or more likely I'll convince myself I was in too much of a rush. I believe (of my earlier options) it's the new glasses then. Thanks again.
  12. Guys - I can't even get this to work in a simple manner. On reading this thread, I thought I would have a look for any answers to help @GVRTand came across the the following glitch (or feature?). To establish an insertion point for a simple symbol looks easy.... (Just to make clear - they were dashed lines before I did a screen capture ---------------------- Edit - I've just seen that should of course say leftmost part of the symbol (doh!!) ---------------------- Either this is.. My ineptitude - And someone will point this out to me. (gently does it!) Vectorworks problem - And this is a known issue.. Vectorworks new issue (can't believe this really, as someone else will have raised it and I haven't seen anything on this forum) I need new glasses. Sorry to jump on this thread BTW, but it seemed appropriate.
  13. Ahhhhhh..........a little like a Vectorworks upgrade?
  14. This is a good one.. https://youtu.be/5UKuwx-95rQ
  15. Sometimes it's about using work-arounds rather than slogging away with the standard tools. Assuming you want to have the wall projection in a different texture/colour just for the render/visual, whilst still maintaining your basic 2D layout .... Would applying a decal to the wall in the correct position/texture provide the solution? Would using the extract tool provide the shape for its own texture just a 'nudge' (to keep geometry apart) in front of your added wall feature? There is a good 'how-to' of the technique with different finishes on walls here.... https://youtu.be/ppJ6Q4j8hi4
  16. The first to congratulate you! Well done and many more. I thought it would be like the speedo on my car - I'd look down expecting 10000 and Id've missed it and it would be showing 10001 Im waiting for the next milestone obviously. Too many noughts! Just had to edit it in my excitement.
  17. Yes, it's all in the brief really. We're not sure what @KyleBlasius has in mind.
  18. Hi everyone. Those of us in UK have recently been notified that we will have a new direct contact "local" office for our needs. I expected to see comment on this appear on the forum, but nothing (apologies if I need better bins or need to step up to a guide dog). It would be nice to know a little of the background to this decision and of the fact that no mention was made of Exertis Unlimited, who (as CU) go back to my MiniCad days. No-one should have to explain their commercial strategies, but its nice to share....
  19. Wouldn't you just know it. We're struggling with (the failings of) a basic ice cream and someone out there has one with chocolate sauce and sprinkles. Might move to Oz!
  20. Good advice from Zoomer. I take from your question that this is for actors to step up to a higher level so a (working) circular staircase is a prerequisite of the design (it is in most modern goblin homes these days) so start with a usable bare bones staircase and dress it. Vectorworks provides a good start in the use of the Drape command. With some tweaking youl'll create the main trunk (which you can see may need a little cleaning up) and can then follow Zoomers advice to create Nurbs branches and roots. Additionally, and assuming you are going to render the finished scene. Because this organic centrepiece will most likely add quite a lot to file size, try to keep things fairly simple and don't underestimate the power of well designed and applied bump maps to give a convincing appearance to the bark etc. without feeling you have to model every last shred. Hope it goes well - Post the finished render!
  21. I see where your coming from. The 2D drafting of a project is arguably the money. It needs to be completed quickly and efficiently in terms of the designer so all details are accurate and can be interpreted on site without questions raised. From that standpoint, the 3D and rendering could (should?) be put to one side until basic drafting needs have been met. But things move on. My alternative would be that that we use the join tool, make the irritating changes required to get it spot on, then use the eyedropper wall connection tool (you know, the one that's in VW 2018) to choose this (weighted skins) variation producing subsequent wall joins. I suppose a bit like Archicad, but this (crucially) would allow VW to maintain it 'leads rather than follows'. Lets see what 2018 brings...
  22. Careful what you wish for guys. Layer after layer of complexity will be like the change from simple stair to the current stair tool (can anyone use it to create anything more than a simple stair ?). It appears to me the join component tool works ok in this instance. VW is not aware you want to join the Metsec - you might have wanted to introduce a 'disconnected joint" (for sound/thermal/other). The fact that you are able to use it to make a tweek to the initial wall join to provide what you wanted seems to give the best resolution. (I assume this is what@Jim Smithis alluding to?) Or are Jim and myself not getting it?
  23. Good one. That rendering is almost life-like. To put rain on the window glass must have been a pain. I like the cluttered office look with boxes and paperwork. Looks just like mine. (BTW - I think I spot a cold bridge on the parapet detail.)
  24. Woah...now your talking. That would actually be a very useful bit of kit. If it had x and y capabilities it could also be used to set-out brickwork co-ordination on plans. Yes please @Jim Smith - If you could post the link it would be good to raise the votes on that one.
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