Hi Guys,
First off thanks Andrew, this is exactly what i was hoping it would do, but looking at this process i don't think it will be work for what i need. I have about 100-200 different symbols different shapes different amount of inputs that need labelling. SO i think the easiest way would be the first option, and do it from a linked text to record.
Pat - What I'm trying to achieve is to use vectorworks to building AV schematics, for video and power, using pre-built symbols that we have already created in the past. It would be nice if the inputs and outputs could be labelled, by the user . I think looking at the PIO that Andrew sent through, this way wouldn't work for what symbols I've got as they are all different.
I wanted eventually to be able to click outputs and inputs that would create a line and be able to label this line as the type of cable used. But i think this all might be over my head as i'm not programmer and have no grasp of vectorscript. I can sort of understand what Andrew's .VSO do and how the script makes the shape.
Thanks for all the help, any more suggestions would be greatly received.