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Circles exporting as polylines



I’m having trouble exporting circles to dxf (the CNC software that my machine uses needs to read dxf file format) when I export as a dxf from VW it converts the circle to a polyline. This just about works if I’m milling a piece but not if I’m boring because the CNC software needs to see a circle with a given centre and radius before it will assign a tool and tell the machine to drill a hole. Any suggestions as to what I could change in the export settings or a workaround to help me would be appreciated.


To get round it so far I’ve been opening the dxf in Autocad and using a plugin command called ‘outside loop’  which converts the polyline back to a circle, but borrowing someone's laptop to do this so not practicable. I've got about 2000 holes to drill by the end of the week and I don't fancy using a hand drill! I've tried exporting in every single dxf format and version and all convert the circle to polylines when I open the files. Any suggestions would be welcome, thanks. Using VW 2021

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