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Convert Shapes to objects


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Beginner Tip!


Lets say you have imported a .dwg or .pdf file.

We want to trace where the exterior walls will be using the polyline tool from the Basic Tool Set.

If it is simple rectangle, use the rectangle tool from the Basic Tool Set.

Select the trace, make sure it is selected.





I have a reference line to verify wall is tracing to the correct face or wal component edge.


Select Building Shell Tool Set

Left click on Wall

Select wall style you want to use.


Go to AEC Menu, select Create Objects From Shapes


This window will pop up



We will leave the Delete Source Shapes unchecked for now as we want to do some other tests.

If you check this box your trace, rectangle, polyline, etc.. will be deleted.


Make sure your wall trace is how you want it.

Keeping the source trace is good in case you make a mistake, or the results of the wallt trace did not come out as you expected.

You can always delete it later.


In this example we will use the Custom Offset option

I have preselected a 2x4 framed wall with components

1" thick siding

1/2" thick OSB

3-1/2" Stud

1/2" thick gypsum wall board (drywall)


If we add all the components we get 5-1/2".

Half of that is 2-3/4" which is the center of the wall.

Custom offset is based on center of total wall thickness.


In our example, we want to have the wall auto trace to the outside face of

the OSB.

This means 5-1/2 / 2 =2-3/4" (Half the total wall thickness) - 1" (Siding)= 1-3/4".

You will notice it says -1.75.  That is because we want the wall to move inwards.

If we wanted to use the inside face of the stud we would have used 2.25.

2-3/4" - 1/2" (gwb) = 2-1/4"


Click OK

Thsi is the result.


This is faster than selecting a wall and tracing the drawing.


By having the reference line, you are able to verify that the Custom Offest traced the walls where we wanted.

You are able to delete the reference line also.


Have Fun!



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