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The position feature

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I've recently been exploiting the handy position feature that comes up in the OIP when using windows and doors. However, it looks like there is an unexpected limitation of this feature. While there is an indicator in the diagram for the exterior corner one can not actually enter a value of zero distance from an outside corner. The position relative to this exterior point must be at least as far along the wall as the beginning of the center line. Is this true or am I doing something wrong. I'm trying to make a corner window symbol and find myself kind of running into a brick wall. Any enlightement is appreciated!

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

This is true, because in VectorWorks, a wall object can be said to "own" a window object. The corner window condition (where two walls "share" a window object) is problematic. The only way to get a "corner window" in plan is to have a simplified symbol (jamb and glassline only) for one half the window. You must unjoin the corner so that the wall is not "mitered" and then insert your half-corner-window symbols as far as possible towards the end of the respective walls. You will see an extra line at the end of the wall unless you select the symbols and choose the "full break without caps" option in the Object Info palette. A little experimentation will get you the 2D look you want, but there will always be some "manual" work with corner windows, including drawing the outer sill and 3D touchup.

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