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proposed DTM


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How can one create a proposed DTM from a separate 3-D polys layer. We have a proposed plan that we traced proposed polys, converted to 3D polys, set elevations, but cannot create proposed DTM. Everytime we select to generate a model for proposed (Existing DTM is made) it creates a model based on the existing DTM. Proposed and Existing 3D sources are on separate layers which are selected when generating the DTM. If we select update proposed, DTM model, nothing changes. Is this possible with VW? Any suggestions?

I've tested this with a simpler model (stacked rectangles) and get the same conflict.

We've just upgraded to VW 11. We fully understand existing setup and setting up with modifiers, but this time we want to incorporate our own proposed grading.

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Thank you, That's what I thought. Can these files/info be combined to provide cut/fill figures between the two files? The method proposed would provide volumes of each "existing" model from a set benchmark elevation. The difference of these two volumes would only provide the total excess fill or cut depending on the larger.


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