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Get Cell Value (Marionette)

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

There aren't any specific tutorials, all I can recommend is to take apart the script you have already and try to figure out how they work. There are some layer nodes that you can use too. You can find out the layer of the space and filter it with Marionette. I have attached a sample network to the other one I sent you that does this. The network is not finished as I don't know exactly how you want the filtering to work, but I tried to show you how to implement it.


VW Rooms only_NvdS_Marionette2.vwx

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hello sbarrett

thx for this. I will need to dedicate more time for understanding the topic. 

in your last file (..._Marionette2) I can see the marionette as network of nodes.

in the former version it is "wrapped".

Could you tell me the difference between them?


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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Wrapping is just a way to package a script. You can wrap a script by right-clicking on a node and selecting the appropriate command. When you wrap a script, the Input nodes that have been given names will appear in the OIP when the wrapper is selected. Once a network is wrapped, you can then convert that wrapper to a menu command or Marionette object.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/24/2018 at 3:01 PM, sbarrett said:

I believe that the output of the Get Cell Value node is already a string, so the Get String node is unnecessary. If you connect the "formula" output to the "s" input of the Text node it should work.


I am trying to get some skills in Marionette. Using the "Get value"-Network, since I am dealing now with values from tables in my actual project.

I can't get it running...Even though I followed your recommendation to get rid of the "Get String node". 

Maybe this task is too complex to start learning marionette. But I'm fascinated  about the idea of getting data out from tables for my workflow.

Thx for any hint...

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

In all of the nodes in the default library, there are prefixes for the inputs and outputs that tell you the type of data coming in or out of the node. 

s = string

n = number

i = integer (whole number)

h = a Vectorworks object, such as a piece of geometry

b = True or False

p = point

v = vector

item = multiple value types

list = list of items


These aren't all but they are the most common. When in doubt, match output prefixes to input prefixes when connecting nodes.

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thanks again Sarah,

I'll try to keep pace with this.

Even though I am very busy with my project I should get some time in-between to study this.

I should start a very simple tutorial...The "Get value" marionette is probably way to complicated for me as

an absolut beginner...


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