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Vectorworks Feature History

Benson Shaw


Could we have a Sticky Topic with comprehensive info about vwx features and history or at least links to the info?  This would be useful for troublshooting, maybe also as sales tool when potential buyers explore the forum.

Several formats:

  1. Standard feature chart for each version with industry module indicators (these already exist).  Searchable by version.
  2. Comparison search displaying side by side feature sets of 2 or 3 versions.
  3. Text search field for individual feature history. Search result is list of versions in which feature is included.  eg search “Text Style”.  Result will be v2017, 2016, 2015 (my guess) with industry module indicators.
  4. A scrolling product history/timeline could be fun, showing major changes such as ownership, HQ location, price history, render engine change (v2010?), OGL engine change (2015?), etc.
  5. Other?


Edited by Benson Shaw
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