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Creating a lighting plan from a PDF template

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Hope this is the right place to post this, Sorry if not - it's my first time!

I was just wondering whether you could give me some help on creating a lighting plan from a pdf.

The floorplan template for the theatre I am working on is a pdf. The scale of the drawing on the pdf is 1:100, but I notice when it is imported into vectorworks it says 1:25, I'm not sure if this is a problem.

Anyway, I am able to import the pdf into vectorworks and I am able to find different types of lights in the resource browser. But if I try and put them on the floorplan they are far too big.

I'm not sure if the problem is to do with scaling or layering, but I'm new to vectorworks and would appreciate any help you can give me!

Many thanks

C x

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Hi there,

Try this -

1) Set the layer scale you want to work at first by right clicking and choosing Active Layer Scale.

2) Import the PDF using File>Import>Import PDF.

3) Select the PDF and choose Modify>Scale Objects

4) Choose Symetric by Distance. Choose the Current Distance by clicking on the dimension icon. Click two points on the PDF where you know the dimension. Enter the known dimension in the New Distance box. Make sure the Entire Drawing checkbox is NOT checked. Hit OK.

Your PDF should now be at the same scale as the working layer.

You may want to add a signature to your profile that details your computer setup and Vectorworks version.


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