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Fonts for Lx position object

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I've been struggling off and on for 2 years with the fonts in the light position object box. The information it presents has never seemed to fit into the box. Either it is too big for the box or depending on font and size would fit but is offest from the boxes.

Have I completely missed where I can adjust these settings? I run 12.0.1 at work and 2010 at home. The steps to fix in either version will give me the clues to change it in the other.

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I gave up on that super position label thingy. You've found out why. The graphics are not editable. Often "Number of Req'd Circuits" hangs out the left side of the box, the cut size often encroaches into the color field, and the headers (Instrument Summary, Color Summary, and Circuit Info) sink below the bottom of their cells.

I've found the best way to get predictable results is this:

Set layer scale to 1/2" (you can use different scales, but you will need to adjust the font size accordingly)

Set font size to somewhere between 9 & 12. (Depends on the default font) Usually smaller is better. Ariel 9pt works for me. In 1/4" scale Archie 9pt works. Go figure.

Create the position.

That usually gets all the data inside the container. Once the position is created changing the font will change the font for all the fields, but changing the size only seems to affect the position name, not any of the other fields.

The instrument summary and the color summary work the way you would expect. But the circuit info is a little trickier:

The "Number of Req'd Circuits" function is looking for data in the Circuit Number field. It seems to take the total number of instruments and subtract the number of duplicates in the circuit number field of the instruments. It appears to ignore the Circuit Name field. (I don't know that for sure, just guessing from its behavior). So if you don't have any circuit number data, the number of req'd circuits will be equal to the total number of instruments.

If my understanding is correct, it ignores the dimmer field. So if you have a dimmer per circuit house then you would have to duplicate the dimmer data into the circuit number field. And if you have a road rack, then you can't use the circuit name field for the multi and the circuit number for the circuit and still have the position summary be correct. Because every position will have circuit 1-6 occur several times. To get the summary to be correct, all the circuit data will have to go in the circuit number field.

And for the quantity of TwoFers, it counts the number of TwoFer objects created with the Ganging Tool. Just having the same circuit number appear twice doesn't work.

To get the position summary to update you have to either

select it and Modify>Refresh Instruments


select it and "bump it" (Shift Right Arrow then Shift Left Arrow) to force a redraw

Auto Update doesn't seem to be an option.



Edited by michaelk
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