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This is a known bug. But there is a solution until it is fixed (keeping fingers crossed it is in the next version):

1. Copy one of the "Prefs_" folders from the current plug-ins location (:Vectorworks:Plug-ins:VW_Arch:Data:) to a new location, either in your "User folder", or some other desired project or an office standards location. Rename it, if desired, "Prefs_".

2. Open command in Architect Menu "Tools > Options > VA Set Project Prefs...

3. Select "Add..." from pop-up dialog

4. Select "Browse..." from new "Add Preference Set" pop-up dialog

5. Navigate to the location of the new folder.

6. Select OK and Navigate back through the dialogs by confirming choices.

7. Now, any work done to the Door Hardware or Room Finishes should be saved, for that project, between sessions.

You can copy this folder and rename it for other projects, too. I suggest that if you have a common set of finishes and door hardware for every project that you save it in a "library" folder. If the hardware and finishes are unique to every project, then you could create this in the project's folder. Just make sure VW is pointing to the correct location in each case.

I'll do some more prodding on my end to see it gets fixed....

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It has NOT been fixed in 2009.

Ideally, when a user starts to create their own custom finishes or door hardware, the application should write a new file to the User folder automatically, and point to that location.

Right now, users should implement the steps I indicated above.

It is a permissions issue, but not one that is user-fixable. The current files reside in the application folder. Users are not, should not, be allowed to write to the application folder. That is what the user folder and it's structure is for; to customize the application per user needs/desires.

It is a system that work very well, when it is working. Some tools have slipped under the radar in adhering to this new system.

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