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Issue manager

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Where is the issue data stored and is there a way to clear out all issue information at once? I assume the data is stored in the border itself but it isn't part of my title block record. I see a drawing border record when I create a report but it does not contain the actual issue information.

I had created a custom border and had played around with the issue manager and the edit issue data functions in the object info pallet. I deleted the issue data, or so I thought, and created a 60 sheet set of borders in one file. When I used the issue manager to add an issue note to all the sheets, the issues I thought I had deleted returned. The only way I can see to get rid of them is to go to each sheet but I am not sure if that will get rid of them permanently because I had done that before duplicating my borders to make this sheet set.

Is there some way to purge all the issue data?

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The issue data is stored in the 'Issue Data' record which is part of the drawing border.

Title block data is stored in the title block record which is part of the title block. The title block record is user definable - mine is called 'My Title Block Rec'.

Both are available under the OIP data tab of the drawing border abd you can edit the contents, with a little care, from there - make sure that the OIP is long enough to see the edit pane. I say with a little care, as it is possible to damage the integrity of the issue manager - form instance, changing something in the issue manage record will not update the title block directly. You may need to go back into the issue manager to force the update of the changes.

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OK,I see the issue data record appears when I close the issue manager. That doesn't actually store the issue entries. After I clear the entries for a border and use the issue manager to add an entry, the old entries come back. I can't seem to get rid of the old data.

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arghh! I created a report to list all the issue data and deleted all the unwanted entries. Now when I launch the issue manager I no longer get the individual sheet or project data. When I click on a titleblock to edit it, all I get is a huge dialog with blank issue data that goes off the screen!!!

This is nuts. I tried to reassociate the record with the title blocks but nothing happens.

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