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Window object date to schedule.


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Long question - In the past I have been using a custom window or door record to create window or door schedules. It's tedious and not automatic. I'd have to go back to each door or window object info data and insert the proper info so the record would pick it up and put it onto the schedule. I just realized that I should use the builtin Window or Door Schedule to make the schedules based on the orginal information in the Data Field Values I inputed when I created the windows and doors, such as their sizes and swings, etc. But I don't like the order or names in the window settings data pallete. Is there a way to change this info in the VW Pref Set? Or are you stuck with this arrangment. Can you change the Schedule format that it generates? I don't need the unit width, unit height, sash detail, etc...Do I have to manually delete these on every window schedule generated or can I overide how the scheule generation. I noticed a Knowledge Base story on adding user defined fields. That's nice, but can I modify the original Field Names instead of only the Field Values of User Field 1 through 10? Can you rearrange the order of the Field Names? I'd rather the stock number be higher in the order rather than towards the end.

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A short answer:

For the time being, NNA's Window is a VectorScript object, so you can indeed give alternative names to fields and reorder them. However, the Door object is already made with the C++ SDK and the end user cannot make such changes. This, I'd guess, will be the future for the Window, too. The two APIs - application programming interfaces - are converging (VectorScript is getting closer to the SDK), but obviously there are still capability differences and (perhaps more importantly) programmers with C++ skills are easier to find that those with Pascal skills. (Pure speculation.)

However, in the schedule you will still be able to rename the columns. Also you only need to create the schedule(s) once and either import them with the Resource Browser on include them into your template(s).

Disclaimer: I do not use NNA's plug-in objects so my assessment & advice may be entirely wrong.

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If you can live with the data order in the OIP, you can easily change the schedule to be in any order you wish.

Create a schedule and delete and move the columns around until you get what you want. Then save it to a file in your users folder where you replace xx with 2009 or 2008.


/Users//Library/Application Support/Vectorworks/xx/Libraries/Defaults/Reports~Schedules

Windows Vista:


Windows XP:

C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Nemetschek\Vectorworks\xx\Libraries\Defaults\Reports~Schedules

You can give the file any name you want as long as it is in the correct folder, it will be found by the VA Create Schedule command.

I recommend that you make sure you name the report something other than Window Schedule (or any other name that is already taken) to make it easier to find the one you want.

If the existing schedules bother you, you can remove then from the Vectorworks folder (Libraries\Defaults\Records~Schedules) so only yours will show in the Create Schedule dialog box.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is basically what I figured was the case with door schedules. There is a lot of info already attached to the doors but what if you need to add some extra data? Just use the user field data and change the names in the worksheet? Is there any way to change "user field 1" to something else?

Is there a way to incorporate space data into a door schedule to list room numbers?

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Is there a way to hide the database row? I don't need to show the cumulative total door thickness and length etc. I don't see an option to hide that row and if I make the text white for that row to hide it, all the data rows change. If I change the row height to try and hide it the same thing happens. They all change.

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For seeing the available field names, try this thread.


In the Worksheet pull down menu (black triangle above the row headers), there is a command called Database Headers. If it is checked, select it to uncheck it. This will hide the header (4 not 4.1, 4.2 etc.). Remember, you will have to turn it back on to be able to edit the formulas.

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Ahh thanks! I figured there had to be a simple way to turn those off.

I have been having to blast through a lot of things with this project and learn on the fly. I have spent way too much time tinkering with things trying to make them work but I have learned a lot. You have been a huge help Pat.


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I ran the pio fields script and it doesn't show me the info I am looking for. What I need is the field name for space ceiling height. I have tried every combination I could think of and my room finish schedule won't report the ceiling heights.

This is all I get:

Parameter Fields for PIO: NNA_SpaceData

Display Name Cell Formula

ParamIndex 'NNA_SpaceData'.'ParamIndex'

Label 'NNA_SpaceData'.'Label'

I get only the header names if I do not select anything. I ran the script on a layer with my spaces.

Is there no list available of the default field names used?? Are they in a file somewhere in the application folder?

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