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Extrude Along Path Question

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Why does the CreatExtrudeAlongPath command only creates a collection of NURB surfaces instead of the "Extrude Along Path" object I am used to seeing in the object info pallette after I've used the extrude along path menu command? I guess the distinction here is that the later is a PIO while my object is simply a low level object created through some primitive vectorscript. Can someone please enlighten me on the finer points here? I'd like to create an extrude along path object instead of a collection of smaller nurb surfaces. I'm working on a Vectorscript that allows me to take a rectangle that indicates the overall size of a window frame and, without having to do an offset, take a manufacturer's frame profile and create a 3D object of a window. I did this for a while with the extrude along path command but I'm getting tired of compensating for the center offset.

-Mike Cobb

Edited by michaelcobb
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Recently I started working on a similar tool myself, so I'm relatively new to this.

For now, I'm using CreateCustomObjectPath('Extrude Along Path',h1,h2); - where h1 is a handle to the path and h2 to the profile.

When I ungroup this object, there's an "Extrusion along Path"-object.

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  • 2 weeks later...


maybe it is a stupid question, but instead of compensating for the center offset, can't you edit the profile of the E.A.P. object and move the point of reference of your frame profile to the origin? I have used this method to reverse an extrude that went wrong, as well as choose what part of the profile is my reference point.



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