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Misaligned test in Position Summary Box

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I had been hoping this might have been looked at in v12 and 12.01, but...am I the only one, who when I insert a postion summary box, the fonts are all misaligned, or don't fit in the boxes provided? This is a fairly useful function, but if it doesn't look right, I won't include it.

Is this something that could be edited, much like in the label legend manager?

Again, am I missing something!



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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been waiting for someone to have the answer to this problem as I too have been having it. I have only included it once and doing so required me to change the font type and size until I found one that fit into the appropriate boxes. Since then I have not bothered with them they are very difficult to get to work properly.

I hope someone out there knows what we both are missing.

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I've found these to be of limited use as well for the reasons you both mention, although I think it is a really great feature.

My efforts have found that Spotlight and the summary tool like the design layer to be in either 1/4" or 1/2" scale - the text seems to lay out best that way. Then of course the viewport can be used to get it to what ever scale your printer supports.

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Try this on for size. Set the layer in 1/4,1/2" and then check your summary boxes. They should be fine. Then you can change them to any scale you want and they should be OK. If you create them in an unusual scale they go funky???

Definitely some kind of bug.

I created them in 1/2" then changed the scale layer to several different scales and they were fine. I did one in 3/16" and the boxes were as you describe.

At least you can work around this until they get the bug fixed.


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  • 4 months later...

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