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Plug In Object Types

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When creating a plug in there are multiple options. Command, tool, point object, linear object, etc. Is there a resource that explains what the difference in the options is and which to use? So far I've just been using point object for everything but is there a benefit to using a linear object or tool?



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There was a book, "Custom Solutions in Vectorworks 8.5" which did a good job of explaining all this. Unfortunately I can't find an electronic version. 😞


Here is a very quick summary from my memory:


Point, Linear, Rectangle, 2D Path, and 3D Path, are all object types and just have different number of clicked to define and number of control points.  Point (1) and Linear (2) are pretty simple. Rectangle gives you two points on the center line, and then one point that is offset from the center line at 90°.  I haven't used the two Path options so I can't remember what they have.


Tool is for scripts that are not going to create a  new object or objects that need to collect a lot of data in order to draw the object correctly.  The Objects in the previous paragraph actually create the own "tool" so they can be added to the workspace.


Command creates a Menu Command that runs without requiring clicks in the drawing.


If you need 2 or 3 points to define you object, then using a Linear or Rectangle mode might be worth considering.



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